Etsy Made in Canada Market

You may have heard of Makers North and been to one of their events already but we’re extra excited for their newest event this weekend! They are are bringing an Etsy event to Sudbury for the very first time! Etsy Made in Canada Market is taking place this Saturday, September 23rd from 11am-4pm at the Living with Lakes Centre and is the perfect time to check out some amazing local makers and maybe even get a head start on your holiday shopping. The first 50 people will recieve swag bags – and trust us, you’re going to want to be one of those 50 people! Can’t make it this weekend? Don’t worry, Makers North has another marketing coming up in November!
What exactly is Etsy Made in Canada?
ETSY: Made in Canada is a national Etsy team driven movement celebrating collectors and makers in local communities who share their work online through Etsy. For those who don’t know Etsy is a fantastic e-commerce website with a strong community atmosphere that promotes handmade or vintage items or supplies.
With over 35 participating cities, local artisans, crafters, and makers from communities across Canada will gather to showcase and share their handmade goods. This marks the fourth year for this event and we are so happy that the Makers North team will be representing Northern Ontario in Sudbury for the first time this year!
Why did you guys decide to bring this event to Sudbury and what has the process been like?
We had heard about the Etsy: Made in Canada Markets and thought that hosting one in Northern Ontario would be great. After seeing all of the fun-filled markets in previous years we were inspired to create our own Makers North Etsy team to support and connect Etsy sellers in our area.
Once a year Etsy invites team captains to meet, share, and learn together at the Etsy Captains Summit. I was really grateful for the opportunity to spend two days with other Etsy sellers from across Canada in Toronto this spring for the summit. It was inspiring to hear their stories, learn about their communities and get some great ideas for hosting an exciting event. We all continue to support one another online as we organize the events happening in 39 communities coast to coast.
You mention on your Facebook event page that there will be some surprises, any hints for our readers?
For sure! We were inspired by the fact that the Vale Living with Lakes Centre is a green building and so we’ll be having extra prizes for people who arrive by bicycle, Sudbury transit or on foot. The Sudbury Cyclists Union will also be there with bike valet parking. Zen Fitness will also be on the scene to host both a pop-up yoga and dance session! So wear your comfy pants. First come, first served basis with a maximum of 20 participants, so get there early and bring your zen mindset.
Can you share a list of vendors participating at the event?
You can find a full list on our Facebook Page here. You can also find more information and see which other cities are participating here.
Tips for any makers who are interested in participating in future Makers North markets?
The best thing to do is to sign up for our newsletter on our website and to follow us on Facebook. When we plan out events we like to put the call out for makers well ahead of the event to give makers a chance to make all of their awesome goodies!
The best bit of practical advice we have is to take great photos. Since our jury judges participants strictly off of photos you want to make sure you put your best foot forward and show us your fantastic product. As an added bonus great photos makes it easy for us to rave about their work to our enthusiastic community! We’re really excited about handcrafted work and we want to know that you are too. Last but not least, we’re a pretty cheerful bunch so good vibes only!
Do makers participating in the market have to run their own Etsy store? What defines maker for this specific event?
For this particular event, yes. All of the makers run their own Etsy store. On top of the fact that they all run their own Etsy shops, we also only accept those who create handmade goods. Many Etsy sellers share vintage goods as well but we want to support small handmade business in Northern Ontario. Thankfully, it’s easy because there is a ton of talent up here!
Do you have any future plans for bringing similar events to Sudbury?
We hope to host this event yearly in Sudbury. We love supporting and creating events that showcase all of the wonderful talent that can be found here in the North. We have another great new initiative we will be launching within days so stay tuned!
See you at the market!
Julieanne & Tracy
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