Reading Town Event Roundup: April 29 – May 8
![Reading Town Event Roundup: April 29 - May 8](
Friday, April 29
Reading Town Kick Off – Official launch of Reading Town Sudbury 2016! With special guests Greater Sudbury Poet Laureate, Kim Fahner, and his Excellency, David Johnston Governor General of Canada.- 1 p.m. Tom Davies Square – 200 Brady St
Saturday, April 30
A Living Poetry Day / Une Journée de Poésie Avec Kim Fahner, Nouvelle Poétesse Officielle de Sudbury – How is poetry created? How does it breathe and how can you give it life? Join the newest poet laureate of the City, Kim Fahner, and past poet laureates as they take you on a journey of thoughts that breathe and words that burn. 1 p.m. @ Sudbury Public Library – 1991 Regent St
Big Picture Story Time / Petites Histoires Sur Grand Ecran – These animated shorts will bring the joy of storytelling to life with Canadian classics like The Hockey Sweater and newer wild tales such as The Girl Who Hated Books. Tickets: $5 Adults | $3 Kids – 2 p.m. @ Laurentian University Fraser Auditorium – 935 Ramsey Lake Rd
Al Purdy Was Here – What does it take to carve out a career as a poet? Why on earth would anyone attempt it? Al Purdy Was Here is the portrait of an artist driven to become a great Canadian poet at a time when the category barely existed. Tickets: $7 – 7 p.m. @ Laurentian University Fraser Auditorium – 935 Ramsey Lake Rd
Sunday, May 1
Tales on the Trails: Storytelling Meets the Outdoors / Randonnée Littéraire: la Lecture en Toute Nature – A new story has been created for the 1 km Self-Guided Trail. The story written by Frank Glew, Melissa’s Magnificent Message features a special honey bee who needs your help to make the planet greener. As you buzz along the trail, watch for the specially marked signs along the way and have a bee-lightful day. 2:30 p.m. @ Lake Laurentian Conservation Area – Nature Chalet – 2309 South Bay Rd
Monday, May 2
Little Free Library Launch / Bibliothéques de Rues – Curbside literacy is here, take a book or leave a book from these tiny houses popping up everywhere in town. Little Free Libraries will be spreading joy, reading and friendship in a neighbourhood near you. Build your own Little Free Library by visiting our site for DIY instructions. 10 a.m. – Anderson Farm Museum – 550 Regional Rd 24, Lively
Tuesday, May 3
Read Aloud – Mr. Zinger’s Hat / Lire À Voix Haute – Join in the choir of voices that will be heard on Tuesday, May 3rd at 11 A.M. and scream it out loud: I LOVE READING! At this precise time, Sudbury and Prince Edward Island will try to establish a record for the most people reading aloud the same book in two languages at the same time! Send us your videos of your Read Aloud experience at 11 a.m. – This is an at home event author Cary Fagan will make a special appearance in one Greater Sudbury School
Beer Book Appreciation / Bons Livres, Bonnes Biéres avec Shawn Mailloux et Michael Guillemette – Well before these two beertrepreneurs made it, there were two brewing amateurs that needed to find out everything there is to know about grains, barley, hops, water temperature, yeast and fermentation. Discover the passion and drive of these two great beer book collectors and find out the stories behind crafting tasty beers. 5 p.m. – Fromagerie Elgin – 5 Cedar St
Wednesday, May 4
Atelier D’écriture de Websérie / Webseries Writing Workshop – Caroline Allard, auteure célèbre des Chroniques d’une mère indigne et chroniqueuse à Plus on est de fous, plus on lit sur les ondes de Ici Radio-Canada Première, vous offre des astuces pour rédiger une websérie accrocheuse. Little tricks to write and pitch your heart-stopping, spine-tingling webseries from one of the most successful Radio-Canada authors, Caroline Allard. – 3 p.m. – Le Salon du Livre du Grand Sudbury, Room Notre-Dame – 14 Rue Beech
To Write is to Read / Atelier: Écrire C’est Lire – Through interactive and collaborative exercises, this one-hour workshop will delve into the connection between reading and writing to further participants’ understanding of their roles as readers and authors. It is open to adult participants of all levels and interests. – 4 p.m. – Le Salon du Livre du Grand Sudbury, Room Notre-Dame – 14 Rue Beech
A Slice of Poetry: Celebrity Server Night / Une Pointe de Poésie – Bite down on fresh pizza and tasty words as your favourite authors and poets serve up some entertainment Sudbury style. Part of the proceeds collected from these Slices of Poetry will go to Reading Town and the National Reading Campaign. – 5 p.m. -8 p.m. – Boston Pizza – 120 Donna Drive
La Bibliothérapie Pour Valoriser Son Propre Corps / A Self-confident Body – En puisant dans leurs œuvres respectives et en relatant les témoignages de leurs lecteurs, ils nous guident sur le chemin de la bibliothérapie. La lecture et le livre peuvent contribuer au bien-être et à la bonne santé mentale des gens qui souffrent de troubles de l’alimentation ou qui entretiennent des rapports malsains avec leur corps. Through poignant testimonies from their readers, Simon Boulerice talks about the therapeutic impact of their works on their reader’s body image. – 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. – Laughing Buddha – 194 Elgin St
Northern Lights Writes / Soirée Spoken Word Festival Boréal – Bring your poetry, your slam, your short stories and novel excerpts, your storytelling, your hip hop, but especially, bring with you the power of words. All languages are welcome, diversity encourage and local musicians will provide musical accompaniment. – 9 p.m. – Speakeasy – 113 Durham St
Thursday, May 5
L’Heure du Cocktail de Mére Indigne Avec Caroline Allard / Mommy’s Cocktail Hour – Calling all moms! Come and bring your toddler or child to this cocktail hour with daycare – yes, you heard right – to meet Caroline Allard, creator of the ūber-popular series Les Chroniques d’une mère indigne (Chronicles of an unworthy mom). Through a lot of humour she undoes the myth of the perfect mother and champions the unworthy mom, the one we all snicker at behind her back. – 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. – Taphouse Norther Grill + Pub – 1500 Regent St
Friday, May 6
KAPOW! – Reading Town is pairing up with the same team that brought you GSPL Graphic-Con last year and Le Salon to present KAPOW! the comic arts festival that hits you in the creative nerve first and asks questions later. – 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. – Le Salon du Livre du Grand Sudbury, Room Notre-Dame – 14 Rue Beech
Identité Francaise en Amérique du Nord: Wolfe et Montcalm – Pour ce faire, il explore avec un regard neuf comment ont été façonnés les deux généraux qui allaient s’affronter à Québec. Il s’attarde à leur vie personnelle, sans perdre de vue les ambitions politiques de leurs pays respectifs, qui dictaient leur conduite. En utilisant la manière de raconter acquise dans son travail de romancier, Roch Carrier suit Montcalm et Wolfe pas à pas jusque sur les plaines d’Abraham, où ils se sont affrontés avant de trouver la mort. – 6 p.m. – Art Gallery of Sudbury – 251 John St
Words of Immigrants / Paroles, Immigration et Réfugiés – Welcoming Syrian refugees is as much about sharing Canadian values and experience as discovering Syrian stories and a storytelling tradition. Join us in this very special event where cultures will collide and connect. Local Syrian families, recently established in Sudbury, will exchange with Canadian authors who will offer them some insights into Canadian culture through works of literature. – 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. – Greater Sudbury Public Library – 74 Mackenzie St
SPRING FLING: Erotic Literary Cabaret / Cabaret Littéraire Erotique – A night of sensual and erotic storytelling through the words of Sexpert Caroline Allard and her adventurous guests. Since publishing her illustrated book Pour en finir avec le sexe (Hamac), this steamy subject has offered Caroline Allard no respite. She now has a regular piece on Plus on est de fous, plus on lit, (Ici Radio-Canada Première), she co-hosts the show Le sexe selon les sexes with Rémi-Pierre Paquin (Moi & Cie), and is a consenting contributor to the collection of erotic short stories Travaux manuels. – 10 p.m. – Little Montreal – 182 Elgin St
Saturday, May 7
Authorpreneurship 101 / Perfectionnement: Auteurs-Entrepreneurs – How do you build a career as a writer and how do you get started? With online publishing and promotion, today’s writers have to be self-starter entrepreneurs from the get go. Learn from local star writers and guest authors in a morning of workshops that will give you the tools and make the connections to go forward. 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. – NORCAT – 1545 Maley Dr
Discovering Aboriginal Writings / À la Découverte des Écritures Autochtones – From pre-contact time to 2016, how did Aboriginal peoples record ideas and what are the origins of the reading and writing systems that we now use today? A fascinating discussion into the origins of language itself with Mary Ann Corbiere. – 1 p.m. – Greater Sudbury Public Library – 74 Mackenzie St
Remix Poétique / Poetry REmix: Loud Library – Venez écouter les mots prendre leur envol dans ce ReMix poétique de paroles et de rythmes de la poétesse ilnue Marie-Andrée Gill accompagnée d’un dj. Come hear words take flight with this DJ-poetic combo steered by Marie-Andrée Gill who mixes Québec and Ilnu imagery into animated poetry. – 2:30 p.m. – Greater Sudbury Public Library – 74 Mackenzie St
The Hockey Sweater / Le Chandail de Hockey – Roch Carrier’s classic The Hockey Sweater meets Stompin’ Tom’s ghost in this made-in-Canada-only not to be missed treat of magical storytelling and The Hockey Song combo. – 6 p.m. – Old Rock – 212 Minto St
Sunday, May 8
Play Time Cabaret – In partnership with Pat the Dog Theatre Creation, STC presents an evening of Playreading featuring Matthew Heiti (STC’s Playwright in Residence and Pat The Dog Artistic Associate) and Governor General Award recipient David Yee for an evening of short works by regional playwrights. – 7 p.m. – Sudbury Theatre Centre – 170 Shaughnessy St
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