Business, Lifestyle |
February 02, 2018
The Regional Business Centre wants to help you open your own business
The Regional Business Centre offers seminars on various topics throughout the year and they have just posted their FREE seminar schedule for Winter and Spring 2018. They are offering a wide variety of sessions that will give you information about everything from writing a business plan, to marketing your business, to managing your own bookkeeping and much more! Visit regionalbusiness.ca/seminars, or call 705-688-7582 for more information. February 7, 2018 – Starting A Small Business – 12:00 – 1:30 pm Navigate through the federal, provincial and municipal government programs, services and regulations that may apply to your business. February 8, 2018 – Let’s......
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Two of Sudbury’s leading females want to help you celebrate International Women’s Day at She & Her – Women in Leadership Symposium. This is the first year the event is taking place and they already have an amazing group of ladies lined up for their panel and key note. We spoke with the organizers to find out more about the event. What is She & Her? She&Her – Women in Leadership Symposium is a celebration in honour of International Women’s Day (March 8th)! She&Her is an evening of thought-provoking, inspiring and empowering conversation with a few of Sudbury’s leading......
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If you’re interested in learning more about Sudbury’s tech and design communities, there is an exciting new event taking place in town next month. Charged is a one-day event consisting of a workshop and evening conference with guest speakers Davis Neable and Darrin Henein who both work at Shopify. We spoke with event organizer Kyle Haapala to find out more. What is Charged? Charged is an annual one-day event that consists of a lunchtime workshop at the TimeHero office, followed by an evening conference with two speakers at the McEwen School of Architecture. Our mission is to bring together the design......
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Brüha is a local Canadian tech-startup developing an entertainment discovery and ticketing platform to help users find something to do in their city and purchase tickets. They are based out of Hamilton, ON but one of their co-founders, Ryan O’Neil, is from Sudbury! We spoke with Ryan to find out more about Brüha, what’s it’s like to develop an app and his thoughts on the Sudbury tech scene. Tell us a bit about Bruha and how you came up with the idea to start your company. Brüha is an entertainment discovery and ticketing provider changing the way people interact with their community,......
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Simply Chic Interior Designs by Andra is a full service interior design business here in Sudbury offering colour consultations, lighting & fixture design as well as home decor. Andra is a recent graduate from the Interior Design Institute and she opened Simply Chic Interior Designs in 2015. We spoke with Andra about her interior design business and what design trends to look out for in 2017! What inspired you to start Simply Chic Interior Designs by Andra? As I got older, I realized I wanted to do something that truly made me happy and inspired me. Ultimately, I always knew......
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Have you ever imagined receiving a massage upon attending a yoga class, grabbing a loose leaf tea and a healthy salad all in the same spot? Well let me tell you, you have arrived at just the right place! We spoke with Guylaine Jalbert, the founder of Quinta Essentia and she gave us the inside scoop about her studio. A holistic environment filled with wellness workshops, yoga classes and healthy essentials that will surely leave you rejuvenated! Tell us about yourself and Quinta Essentia. My name is Guylaine Jalbert. I am a Reiki Master and a Certified Holistic Aroma......
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Lorna Macdonald is the founder behind Her Business Guide, a mother to five children and an inspirational individual who has a heart to help women in business within Northern Ontario. This guide gives opportunities for women to join in as a group and help each other grow their businesses. We spoke with Lorna to find out what inspired her to pursue this insightful guide! Read on to find out more! Tell us about Her Business Guide! Her Business Guide is a business directory exclusive to women. This guide showcases women within the business community here in Sudbury who have......
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Business, Shop Local |
October 20, 2016
Food, Fun, and a New Coffee Shop: Meet the Owner of Cupcakes and Kale!
We’re big foodies over at Our Crater, and we especially love the local food blog Cupcakes and Kale by Jessica Nadel! The vegan blogger is also the owner of Oh My BakeShop, and author of two cookbooks; Greens 24/7 and Superfoods 24/7. We asked Jessica all about her blog, her favourite recipes, and her upcoming coffee shop! Share your story with us! When did you find your passion for baking and cooking? I grew up in a family that did a lot cooking and baking – I was the lucky kid who had school lunches packed with homemade chocolate......
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The days of leaving your vehicle abandoned in a parking lot and saying a little prayer for her safety are gone! Driverseat, Sudbury’s newest and quite possibly most innovative transportation service has hit the road! Bringing you the best of both worlds Driverseat offers the accessibility of their app like with Uber and the convenience of delivering you in your own vehicle like Red Nose! They’re really making it easy for you to make a responsible choice next time you find yourself at a BBQ that suddenly gets lit! And with your car in the driveway the next morning......
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Looking to open your own business but don’t know where to start? The NORCAT Innovation Mill wants to help! In collaboration with the Regional Business Centre, they just launched Startup 101 (formally Entrepreneurship 101)! This free educational certificate program delivered by a group of experience entrepreneurs, will provide your with relevant and practical information that you need to start and grow your own businesses. The first session will start on Wednesday, September 14th and continue for 25 weeks covering a range of topics from sales and marketing to intellectual property and raising equity capital. Once you complete the program, you will receive a NORCAT......
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