Its no secret that we’ve got a big ol’ crush on Sudbury over here at Our Crater! We love showing off all the amazing businesses, exciting events and sharing some of our favourite views. But we gotta say the thing we love the most are the people! Sure every community has a few stand-out characters, but we’re not talking about just any city, we’re talking about our city and we want to tell the stories of the people that make Sudbury great. Often over looked and discredited as a Northern town we’ve always aimed to paint a more vivid picture of how #weliveuphere.
This brings us to our latest project – Crater Conversations, a new radio show on CKLU airing 10-11PM each Sunday beginning October 22nd. So what exactly is the show all about? Join your host Crater co-founder Jess each week as we sit down with a local guest, we’ll talk about their projects, their passions, and the things they love about our little rock town! We’ll be sitting down with performers, entrepreneurs, community leaders – really anyone with a story. Personal anecdotes, first inspirations, childhood follies, who knows where this will take us but we can’t wait to find out! Can’t catch the show on air? No worries, all our episodes will be posted on Soundclound afterwards for easy listening. If you’re inclined to tune in live you can dial in to CKLU 96.7 or stream live at
One part of the show we’re really excited about is to include all of YOU in it! Don’t worry its super easy! Keep an eye out for our Crater Conversations cards popping up at some of our favourite Sudbury spots around downtown. These are where the whole idea got started. One of our missions here at Our Crater is to help our community realize how lucky we are to live in such a vibrant place. Who knew a cosmic collision could leave behind such a pretty indentation for us to nestle in! The idea is simple, each card will pose a question as a conversation starter, it might be ‘Who is your favourite Sudburian?’, ‘What is Sudbury’s signature dish?’, ‘Where is the best view in the city?’ – you get the jist. The idea here is to engage Sudburians in constructive conversations about the things we love about our home. After all this is our city, our home, our crater.
We hope you’ll join us each week as we get to know some of our favourite Nickelheads, Sunday’s 10-11PM on CKLU or listen any time on Soundcloud!
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