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Sudbury Sportsman Show
We will have a large selection of Pet Containment products for all types of pets.
Find out more »9:30 am
Love Your Genes- Workshop and Seminar
Huntington disease is a genetic disorder that results in the death of brain cells. This affects the mood, brain function, nerve damage and so much more. A full day workshop for women of all ages. Working on self confidence , interview skills, public speaking and pageantry including motivational speakers. All proceeds will be donated to the Huntington Society of Canada in support of families affected with the disease. Let's love what we are made of ! Exclusive discount for young ladies in this year's Miss North Ontario Pageant Please contact for more information!
Find out more »Garden Heron/3 Foot Lady
This workshop is a pre-requisite to Intro to Paverpol Sculptures. Create a life sized Garden Herdon or a 3 Foot Lady that can be enjoyed outside year round. This is a 2 day workshop 9:30-4:30 each day. I am offering this workshop April 7-8 or May 12-13 choose one 🙂 In this workshop you will expand your techniques using your previous knowledge to create a sculpture on a larger scale.
Find out more »9:45 am
April Hike Club
Sat Apr 7th 9:45am - 12:30pm Macleod Public School, 23 Walford Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 2H2, Canada Every 1st Saturday of the month, we invite the whole RRA family to get together for a hike exploring our beautiful nature trails! This time we invite you to come out for a urban hike at 23 Walford Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 2H2. Mcleod Public school. Albert and Paul will be leading a historical hike on the farms that used to be there, and show you the inter connective routes in the South-End. Snow shoes and hiking poles are recommended, but keep in mind that the snow and ice conditions can be unpredictable for this time of year. We can lend out snowshoes upon request. If you would like to reserve a pair, please indicate what quantity and size(s) you need in your RSVP by Friday, March 2 at 3pm. Check back soon for details! Hike Leaders: Albert, Paul Distance:6-8km Duration:2 hours Difficulty:easy-moderate Meet at MacLeod Public School. Please arrive at 9:45 am Please RSVP at:
Find out more »11:00 am
Ma mère est un poisson rouge
Production théâtrale pour les enfants de 5 ans + Du haut de ses dix ans (et demi !), Xavier essaie de faire réagir sa maman qui vit dans sa chambre comme un poisson rouge dans un bocal. Avec la complicité de ses amis Imma et Mika, Xavier utilise tous les moyens du bord pour nous faire revivre, de façon inventive et souvent folle, son histoire familiale. Parce qu’un jour ou l’autre, on s’allège de ses petites et grandes peines pour partager ses moments de bonheur. texte et mise en scène MARIE-CHRISTINE LÊ-HUU // avec ISABELLE LAMONTAGNE, JEAN-FRANÇOIS PRONOVOST et SASHA SAMAR // scénographie et accessoires ANNE-MARIE BÉRUBÉ // musiqueOLIVIER MONETTE-MILMORE // illustrations CATHERINE CÔTE // éclairages JEANNE FORTIN-L. // régie (lumière, son et vidéo) MAUDE SERRURIER Producteur : Théâtre de l'Avant-Pays
Find out more »8:00 pm
Carl Dixon – Whole ‘Nother Thing Live at Cousin Vinny’s
Classic Canadian rock with Canada's stellar voices and musicians CARL DIXON of The Guess Who, Coney Hatch and April Wine. showcasing his new album "Whole 'Nother Thing" LIVE at Cousin Vinny's Hanmer near Sudbury
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