Beer Bootcamp

Stack Brewing 1350 Kelly Lake Road, Sudbury

• Team registration (2-4 people) $60 • Individual registration $20 This is a fun way to finish up our summer season, with a Scavenger Hunt themed Bootcamp! Must be 19 years old. End the Bootcamp with a nice cold pint of beer for ONLY $3.75 (reg. $5)! PRIZES to be WON! More info to follow soon! Stayed tuned!


No Partner? No Problem? Nights at ARC

ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, Sudbury

New to climbing and in need of a partner? Know how to belay, but need a belaytionship*? Join us for a ‘No Partner, No Problem’ night and meet other solo climbers! A great way to meet the ARC Community. Join Emilie or Cory every Tuesday from 6-9pm for some climbing and belaying!