No Partner? No Problem! Nights at ARC

ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, Sudbury

New to climbing and in need of a partner? Know how to belay, but need a belaytionship*? Join us for a ‘No Partner, No Problem’ night and meet other solo climbers! A great way to meet the ARC Community. Join Emilie or Cory every Tuesday from 6-9pm for some climbing and belaying!

Eating Well on a Budget

Greater Sudbury Public Library 74 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury

Have you been wanting to eat better but are not sure where to start? Join Jules LeBreton at the Main Library, who will help you better understand eating well on a budget. She will give tips on when to buy organic/fresh/frozen, how to shop in season and give cooking tips for less waste. Register online at or contact your local branch for more details.

Goddess Gathering

Myoga Southend 2037 Long Lake Road, Sudbury

For centureis, women have gathered together to celebrate one another, creating community and connection though these ceremonies. For this goddess gathering, we will work ritualistically with movement, sound, breath, play and a sharing circle to hold space for one another to be seen, and celebrated, as we are.