2018 Sudbury Green Expo

Holiday Inn 1696 Regent Street, Sudbury

Sudbury 2018 Green Expo October 30th from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm Holiday Inn 1696 Regent Street, Sudbury ON Ticket Cost - $70 Guest Speakers and Lunch 12:00 pm to 4:30 pm Trade Show (Free to the Public) 2:30 pm to 8:00 pm Take part in the Sudbury 2018 Green Expo. A business and technology event that brings powerful sustainability expertise and technology to Greater Sudbury. From expert panelists to peer discussions, this one day experience will provide a surge in eco cost friendly practices that improve savings and reduce our environmental impact. Additionally there will be a green technology trade show filled with the many ways you can save money and reduce your carbon impact. With demonstrations and examples you can apply right now it’s a perfect experience for businesses and home owners alike. This trade show portion is non ticketed and open to the general public. Join us in building an eco friendly community. One that gives back to our amazing Northern landscape while developing successful businesses for everyone to enjoy. Details: sudburygreenexpo.ca

Science Cafés: Are humans driving evolution in backyard animals?

Science North

Cities are relatively recent and novel habitats for many animals. Living in an urban environment is not only changing the behaviour of animals but even their core genetic makeup. Habitat fragmentation by roads and highways, the availability of both natural and human foods, the light conditions, and the architecture are all contributing to changes in a range of species. Availability of natural foods and human foods, light conditions, and architecture are all contributing to changes in different species. What are the risks to biodiversity in urban environments? Are we at risk of increased pests or disease as species evolve? What are the evolutionary consequences for humans living in an urban environment? Free admission. No registration required.