Zine Making Drop-in

Art Gallery of Sudbury 251 John Street, Sudbury

Drop into our studio for some hands-on zine making. We'll have tones of materials here, but feel free to bring your own. Come with an idea in mind or come seeking inspiration. The studio will be open every Monday from January 14th to February 4th from 4 to 6pm for any aspiring or veteran zinsters and everyone in between. The event is free/ pay-what-you-can. Contact the Alexie at the gallery for more info, (705) 675-4871 x.225 or communications@artsudbury.org What's a zine? A zine is usually a non-commercial, non professional publication, kind of like a magazine but smaller. Zines are out there to add other, often unheard voices into the mix and are a great way for creators to put their work out into the world, or an intimate way to organize thoughts and feelings in a creative way. ____ Venez au studio a la Galerie d'art de Sudbury pour créez de zines. Nous aurons beaucoup de materiaux ici, mais sentez vous libre d'emmenez vos propres. Venez avec un idea en tête ou venez chercher de l'inspiration. Le studio aura les porte ouvertes chaque lundi du 14 janvier au 4 février de 16h at 18h pour tous ceux qui veulent esseiller leur mains a la fabrication d'un zine. Que vous soyez débutant our un expert des zine, ou n'importe où au milieu, tous sont invités! Cette évènement est gratuit, les donation son accepter. Pour plus d'information contactez Alexie a la gallery au (705) 675-4871 poste 225 ou par courriel a communications@artsudbury.org Qu'est ce qu'un zine? Un zine est habituallement une publication non-commercial, non-proffesionelle, comme une magazine, mais plus petit. Les zines circule pour ajouter au public la voix de ceux qui ne sont souvent pas entendue, et est une excellent façon pour les artistes de metre leurs oeuvres dans le public,...

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NGDC: Practice Range

The Foundry 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury

Itching to get some last minute practice in? For those of you using Unity, we'll be having an open, largely unstructured practice night at The Foundry this Monday! This will be a low-key chance to get some help learning about anything and everything Unity related prior to the competition. It's also a great chance to meet other developers, and get some practice in before jumping into the fray. More of a Game Maker/Unreal fellow yourself? No worries. Take this chance to hang out and practice with other developers.

Whisky Tasting

Lounge 390 390 Elgin Street, Sudbury

Heather will offer Opimian members, and general Whisky lovers a Whisky tasting.The tasting will include Scotch and French Whisky as well as fine Cognac. There wil be a triple verticle within the tasting. Tickets are $75 for Opimian members and $85 for non members.


GROOVE Sudbury

Zen Fitness 158 Durham Street, Sudbury

GROOVE is a simple and fun dance experience that workouts the body and nurtures the mind. No dance experience required any body 14yrs and up can do it. We will be dancing in the Pilates room. NO SHOES allowed. Optional: towel/yoga mat, water bottle, and wear anything you don’t mind sweating in Cost is $10 CASH (Please arrive 15 minutes prior to register)
