
McEwen Nuit Blanche 2019

McEwen School of Architecture 85 Elm Street, Sudbury

For the third year in a row, students at the McEwen School of Architecture have come together to curate a Nuit Blanche! Join us for an evening of student, professor, and community made installations. There will also be performances by musicians, singers, artists, and dancers, along with a few free tasty treats and a cash bar. Come partake in a series of festivities to celebrate the up and coming arts community in Downtown Sudbury! Pour la troisième année consécutive, les étudiants de l’école d’architecture McEwen se sont réunis pour organiser une Nuit Blanche! Joignez-vous à nous pour une soirée d’installation artistiques des étudiants, de la faculté, et de la communauté. La soirée sera composée de performances artistiques par des musiciens, chanteurs et des danseurs locaux. Sans oublier des hors d’œuvre gratuits et un bar payant. Venez célébrer la communauté artistique émergente du centre-ville de Sudbury!

Inspiritus Morning Intensive

Myoga 2037 Long Lake Road, Unit 12, Sudbury

inspiritus- means “breathe”, “spirit”: together, to breathe in and be filled with the spirit, which is what it means to be alive. A 90 minute morning intensive to invoke spirit. These 3 days together will include asana (postures), mantra (chanting), pranayama (breathwork), kriyas, bandhas, and meditation. These morning Sadhana are suitable for all levels of yogis/yoginis, especially those looking to dive deeper into all the techniques and practices of the system of Yoga. Come explore the sacredness and your innate ability to awaken, to become aLIVE - with breath & spirit.

L’Écritoire bricolée : À la recherche du personnage perdu

Le Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury

Le tout premier atelier d’écriture proposé dans le cadre de L’Écritoire bricolée sera animé par l’auteur Antoine Côté Legault et portera sur le personnage au théâtre. Afin de créer des voix uniques et originales, les participants seront invités à vivre une expérience d’écriture inspirée par les paysages sonores du musicien et compositeur sudburois Daniel Bédard. Cet atelier convivial qui s’adresse autant aux curieux qu’aux passionnés d’écriture. On peut s’inscrire dès maintenant en remplissant notre formulaire en ligne! L'Écritoire bricolée est possible grâce au soutien financier de Ontario Trillium Foundation et de Patrimoine canadien.

Mindfulness Workshop

Two Souls Yoga 469 Bouchard Street Suite 229, Sudbury

Mindfulness is a skill that is used for many aspects of our lives and teaches us to be engaged with the present moment in all that comes our way. In this 4-week group participants will be introduced to different mindfulness practices that help to surf the wave of overwhelming emotions. The group will learn how mindfulness can help to regulate emotions and positively influence neural connections in the brain. Each session will incorporate opportunities to learn … discuss …and practice mindfulness. Participants will leave this 4-weeks series with information and concrete tools to develop greater emotional stability in their daily lives. Dates: January 13…20…27 & February 3, 2019 Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm Cost: $100.00


New Year Vision Board Workshop

Two Souls Yoga 469 Bouchard Street Suite 229, Sudbury

Dreams do come true! Join us in finding your vision and making clarity to what you desire for the year 2019. We will help you understand the importance of focus, identifying how to stay on track and develop that drive that will carry you into making your goals a reality. We will come together to develop a vision board or dream board with a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of one's dreams and desires, to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation during the year of 2019. The usefulness of vision boards has been endorsed by celebrities such as Jim Carrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey and Steve Harvey. This will be a fun afternoon of exploring, dreaming and coming alive for the coming year. Bring an open mind and an open heart. Cost: $30 There will be some supplies provided **Please bring any items such as magazines, pictures, stickers crafting items that you feel would make your vision come together**
