Odinamaad Opening

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Born on March 13,1987, Isaac was Born in Rotterdam to two parents with very different cultural backgrounds and a unique family situation. At an early age in life he made his way in to an foster family, and lost most first hand cultural influences. His mother, an Indigenous Native American adopted out from Canada, was an Anishinaabe child pushed out by the system and its agenda with the Aboriginal nations. His Father is from Cabo Verde. He resides in Holland currently, and has made this European country his home. After sailing across the world as a sailor for an oil company, Isaac grew up in the outskirts of Rotterdam exploring the urban city life from his mid teens. He was exposed to art through graffiti, art class and graphic design school. In this oppressive alien society, he worked himself through by drawing his vision on this world. His artscapes were most times an escape from reality. Coping with problems arising from his ethnic background, he focused on political and social awareness. Ever since then he never went to far from the drawing board, his canvas workstation or his back pack full of spray paint and serious passion. Odinamaad (Point of turning wind) Isaäc Narciso Weber B.A. Owner Operator Nishiin Art Gallery and Nishiin Print Sudbury. Artist, Facilitator, Community Helper. @nishiinprintsudbury Odinamaad created a permanent mural within One Sky in June of 2017.

Surge: Jason Ramcharan Opening

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Jason Ramcharan was born and raised in Toronto, then enjoyed being an academia brat whose family moved around Canada and the US as his father accepted positions at different universities. Jason studied at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, and later George Brown College in Toronto. He has always had a desire to understand the way things work, but his specific interest in the way the universe works was first inspired by Carl Sagan's "Cosmos", then by Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time". It was through Hawking that Jason was introduced to the work of other seminal physicists like Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrodinger, Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Paul Dirac, and David Bohm, among others. Jason currently resides in Sudbury, Ontario, and does freelance web and graphic design in addition to his artistic practice. Artist Statement: "The exploration of ideas surrounding physics, cosmology, consciousness, and perception is the primary motivation behind my creative impulse. I do not create art in series. If a series of works is a novel, my pieces represent an anthology of short stories.”

Triple Love: Where Art Meets Autism

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Triple Love: An Exhibit by Pierre AJ Sabourin, Trish Jokat, and her son Morgan Kitching. AUGUST AT ONE SKY GALLERY PIERRE AJ SABOURIN “As a young man, I traveled Canada from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island to the Arctic Circle on the Mackenzie River in the North West Territories. This experience instilled national pride in Canada’s wondrous beauty and diverse culture. Growing up in Sudbury, Ontario, during the peak of nickel smelting in the 50s and 60s and experiencing the destruction of nature by acid rain had a profound effect on me.” Sabourin, an en plein air landscape painter, follows the Canadian School of Painting in spirit, philosophy, and practice. The Canadian School was founded by AY Jackson and the Group of Seven. Sabourin makes his home in Killarney, Ontario. Art educator Arthur Lismer of the Group of Seven mentored Pierre at age ten, resonating throughout his entire life. Art that comes from the soul is the highest of truths it is the best of who you are. Sabourin went on to study Fine Arts at the University of Ottawa and the National Drawing and Print Council of Canada at the University of Calgary. Pierre apprenticed with landscape painter Ferenc Szeles of Hungary and mentored with great en plein air winter painter, Paul Schleusner of Germany. Pierre has developed a style of landscape painting that draws upon the traditions and influences of AY Jackson, Tom Thomson, JEH Macdonald, Arthur Lismer, Lawren Harris, Vincent Van Gogh, Igor Grabar, and Edouard Manet. "I’m an Expressionist! I love rich colour and thick impasto. manipulating paint and creating shadow. Immersing oneself in nature allows the unconscious to be exposed allowing for a deeper relationship with spirituality in the creative process. My paintings are inspired and produced en plein air, some are completed in the studio....

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Downtown Sudbury Art Crawl in partnership with Up Here Festival

Saturday, August 17, 11am-4pm Downtown Sudbury Art Crawl in partnership with Up Here Festival Urban Art + Music Festival and Downtown Sudbury & Sudbury Art Council // Conseil des art de Sudbury in and around Downtown Sudbury Free admission (additional workshops, activities etc. may have a fee set by the venues but all welcome to view, peruse). Pop Up! Music performances at many of the venues. ABOUT THE ART CRAWL: The Downtown Sudbury Art Crawl (DSAC) is a grassroots, pedestrian-friendly cultural experience for the city of Greater Sudbury in and around the downtown core. DSAC features artists at venues such as art galleries, artist studios, businesses and organizations. DSAC celebrates visual and other art forms including literary and musical arts. We seek to create opportunities for artists to exhibit, sell, exchange ideas and to raise awareness about their creative processes. www.facebook.com/downtownsudburyartcrawl The Downtown Sudbury Art Crawl would like to acknowledge financial support by the Greater City of Sudbury, Downtown Sudbury as well as its participating venues. Thank you to our partners, participating venues, and to the artists for your energy and commitment in highlighting the importance of visual art and other art forms in Greater Sudbury. photo: Christy Smith, Plein Air artist presented her work at Victoria's Custom Framing & Stitchery on Sat June 1 (credit: Leesa Bringas)

Departure: An Exhibit by Martin Kotyluk

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

DEPARTURE: "In the last year. I have explored, created, and have challenged myself. I have opened the door to new thinking. It began with a six day canoe trip Grace and Nellie Lake in Killarney. My inspiration cam from painting on the Rock that Franklin Carmichael made famous over looking Grace Lake, and seeing Lawren Harris' abstract painting at McMichael Art Gallery. I also visited the site where Tom Thomson's cabin was on Canoe Lake in Algonquin Park. At this exhibit, you will witness two sides of my art. Landscapes and wildlife, with the addition of my newest explorations in Geometric and Pop Art." ~Martin Kotyluk Kotyluk grew up in Northern Ontario, and always had an interest in the arts from an early age. In high school, Kotyluk attended the arts program at Sudbury Secondary School. His early works were chosen to be displayed at the Sudbury Art Gallery and Science North. Later on, Kotyluk began work for CP Rail which involved travelling across the northern shorelines of Lake Superior. He was in absolute awe of the immense diversity in front of him. This experience inspired him to explore painting wildlife and landscapes in acrylic. For Kotyluk, art has always been a form of relaxation and meditation. He takes hundreds of photos on his long hike and canoe trips across Northern Ontario, to find the right theme or subject to put on the canvas. He’s inspired by the works of A. Y. Jackson and Tom Thomson: vivid, colourful, and dramatic. Kotyluk also enjoys detailed and textured works, along with realism. He’s been a member of the Sudbury Art Club since 2011, and has participated in several art shows, including The La Cloche Art Show and the Northern Ontario Art Association Annual Juried Exhibition. Kotyluk hopes to continue learning and discovering...

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Beneath the Sky: An Exhibit by Niki Sola

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Nikolas Sola ARTIST STATEMENT My name is Nikolas (Niki) Sola. I am 11 years old and although I know I am very young, I see things differently than most kids my age. I've always been interested in drawing and painting but last year, in 2018, I spent a lot of time in nature and felt very inspired by it. When I first started painting on canvas I realized my art was interesting to others and I gifted many of my paintings to my family and friends. When more adults started noticing my mom's posts on social media about my work, I knew that people liked my art and I started feeling more confident about taking on larger canvases and bigger ideas. I went to AGO in Toronto for the first time on my 11th birthday this past February and was very inspired to take my painting to the next level. Many people have told me I should take classes but I feel like that would stifle my art and at this time in my life, I don't want that. My mom always encourages me to be free and that is what I am doing. I am feeling so lucky that One Sky has given me a chance to show my art to my friends, family and the public. I hope that you like it too. This series of work is called "Beneath the Sky" as I am very inspired by the world around me and nature. I don't know what the future holds for me and art but right now it is what I love doing. I also love baseball, basketball and football and playing my harmonica. I feel very honoured to have an exhibit and am so happy I get to share my art with you! PS: None of...

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Intro to Glass Mosaic with Karen Ylitalo

Cambrian College's Open Studio 93 Cedar Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Explore the art of creating images using glass with local artist, Karen Ylitalo of Studio K Mosaics. In this 4 hr workshop you will learn the skills and process involved in designing and assembling an 8x10 glass Mosaic called “Paper Birch”. Once you learn this skill, you will want to try applying Mosaic to other indoor and outdoor surfaces! No experience necessary All materials provided. *Please bring an old over shirt or apron. Email studiokmosaics@gmail.com to reserve your space Cost : $65 ($60 for Cambrian College Arts Program students) Date : Thurs Oct 17 or Fri Oct 18 Time : 6-10 pm Where: Cambrian College Open Studio (Room 2119) Spaces are limited - book today!

This is Me: Carenie Little Opening

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

CARENIE LITTLE Carenie is a Empathic contemporary painter who resides in Northern Ontario surrounded by inspiring waterscapes, family and friends. Her personal style involves the layering of translucent paints and mixed media which creates emotional depth through layers both real and imagined. Carenie facilitates small group “Women’s Art Retreats” in her Whitefish studio. Artist Statement I find myself loosening the rules that bind my freedom to painterly achievement. Pallet knives, sheer fabric and metal leaf allow a more direct expression of my emotions onto the canvas. My work is colourful, bold, daring and passionate. Website: www.clittle.ca Facebook: Carenie Little

Sudbury Art Club Fall Show

Carmichael Arena 1298 Bancroft Drive, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Brushes & Brews 2: Holiday Edition

Spacecraft Brewery 854 Notre Dame, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

The Sudbury Arts Council is happy to announce Brushes & Brews 2: Holiday Edition! Brushes & Brews is a paint night fundraiser in support of the Sudbury Arts Council. Our second, holiday-themed event takes place Sunday, November 3rd at 6 p.m., hosted by our friends at SPACECRAFT BREWERY! 🎨 Bring your friends and join us for a night of drinks, painting, and fun! You'll be supporting your local arts council, plus you leave with your own masterpiece. This is a perfect opportunity to create a holiday gift for family or friends. 🎁 Tickets are now on sale for $50 via Eventbrite, or available for pick up at our office, 1546 Bellevue Ave. in Minnow Lake. Event is 19+. All supplies included.
