2019 Rally for Dad

Please join us on Father's Day weekend for the 2019 Rally for Dad on Saturday, June 15th. In 2018 the event was extremely successful with over 200 riders and raised over $30,000! Our goal this year is to raise $35,000! Will you help us reach our goal? ALL monies raised will fund NEW equipment for the treatment of prostate cancer at the Northeast Cancer Centre in Sudbury. Riders will leave from the Northern Cancer Centre and enjoy a highway scenic rally route that will end at the A&W (1099 Marcus Drive, Sudbury). A&W will provide food,refreshments and entertainment. The registration fee is $35/each per rider and passenger (if applicable). This includes: A&W lunch, a rocker panel, your name entered into a draw for great prizes, and a donation to the Cancer Centre. (You will also receive a $20 tax receipt.) If your passenger(s) only want to participate for lunch – you can purchase a meal coupon for $10 at the Registration desk. Thank you for supporting the Northern Cancer Foundation and your local cancer centre.