Axe Cancer Sudbury

Bust out your flannels, embrace your true Canadian spirit, and compete in a Kick Axe axe-throwing tournament to send kids affected by childhood cancer in Sudbury to summer camp. This October 6th, Camp Quality Northern Ontario hold it's annual axe-throwing tournament in Sudbury and North Bay. Every bullseye gets us closer to our target: sending all children with cancer to camp. This super fun event is also happening in seven cities across Canada on the same day, everywhere that Camp Quality has a camp including Toronto, Barrie, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Calgary! Only $200 per team (4 players per team) or $50 per individual. Register at: Prizes will be available - stay tuned for more details! Looking to sponsor a laneway? Contact

Axe Cancer Sudbury

Bust out your flannels, embrace your true Canadian spirit, and compete in a Kick Axe axe-throwing tournament to send kids affected by childhood cancer in Sudbury to summer camp. This October 6th, Camp Quality Northern Ontario hold it's annual axe-throwing tournament in Sudbury and North Bay. Every bullseye gets us closer to our target: sending all children with cancer to camp. This super fun event is also happening in seven cities across Canada on the same day, everywhere that Camp Quality has a camp including Toronto, Barrie, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Calgary! Only $200 per team (4 players per team) or $50 per individual. Register at: Prizes will be available - stay tuned for more details! Looking to sponsor a laneway? Contact