4th annual Cancer centre Walk/Run for Hope!

Kivi Park 4472 Long Lake Road, Sudbury

5th Annual Cancer Centre Walk/Run for Hope MOVE - Kivi Park Fitness Series (Event) Sunday, October 27th at Kivi Park 10 am - Registration 11:00 am - Race Start Distances: 1km (Kids) Free 3km, 5km and 10km Adults $35 and Kids $5 The event will offer four different distances -1km, 3km, 5km and 10 km - with all routes running through scenic trails at Kivi Park. The adult registration fee includes a T-Shirt and lunch. Participants are encouraged to raise funds by collecting pledges. * New this year for participants - if you raise $100 and over in pledges we will waive your $35 registration fee! 100% of the monies raised will support the Northeast Cancer Centre for patient care, equipment and research. It will also bring awareness to local partners that support some of the NCF’s many Funds. For more information and to register please visit www.ncfsudbury.com or call 705.523.4673 (HOPE). HOPE Every Step of the Way!