KiSS 105.3 Radiothon of Hope 2019

The KiSS 105.3 Radiothon of Hope in support of the Northern Cancer Foundation, thanks in part to Aegisys Cloud Solutions will be held from 6am to 6pm at the Northeast Cancer Centre on Thursday, November 14th. Over the past 13 years, we have raised $1,161,2000 for the Northern Cancer Foundation! Last year, YOU helped us DOUBLE our goal of 13 chemo chairs; thanks to your generosity, we raised $57,200 and the Northern Cancer Foundation was able to purchase 26 chairs! Proceeds from this year’s event will be used to support clinical trials being done right here in Sudbury at the Northeast Cancer Centre. They are setting up a suite for clinical trials patients that will include chemo chairs, stretchers, IV poles and other equipment to facilitate the patients taking part. There is a research team of oncologists who are conducting these trials which seek to find better ways to treat patients with the hope of better outcomes. at the Northeast Cancer Centre. Tune in Thursday, November 14th from 6 a.m to 6 p.m. to hear uplifting stories of courage, determination and hope from patients and their caregivers. In addition, local experts and medical staff at the Centre provide updates on new and cutting-edge improvements in the fields of cancer care and research.