Dr. Clean Charity Car Wash

Join us Wednesday, September 18th from 4pm - 8pm in the Best Buy parking lot (1099 Marcus Dr, Sudbury, ON) for our charity car wash! 100% of the proceeds will be donated to The Sudbury Charities Foundation! Tickets are $20 and are available for advance purchase at Dr. Clean, located at 76 Loachs Rd, Sudbury, ON. Come on out and enjoy a car wash for a good cause! *Car washes will be completed on a first come, first serve basis and tickets are only valid September 18th from 4pm - 8pm.*


ELVIS concert with tribute artist Sylvain Leduc

Caruso Club 385 Haig Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Fundraiser presenting Elvis tribute artist Sylvain Leduc in concert on Friday, September 20th. Caruso Club Upper Hall 385 Haig Street, Sudbury, ON 705-675-1357 $25.00 per person $30.00 at the door FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION CALL MARIA DAGOSTINO @ 705-675-6104 DORIANNA MIOR @ 705-562-7194 TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE AT THE CARUSO CLUB OFFICE


Sunflower Competition and Adopt-a-thon at the Market!

Greater Sudbury Market 233 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

This Saturday The Foodshed Project will be holding their annual Giant Sunflower Contest at the Sudbury Market! Bring your sunflowers to the Market to see if you have grown the tallest Sunflower in Sudbury! Petsave Sudbury will be bringing puppies and cats for an Adopt-A-Thon. Come on out and see some adorable animals, and possibly add a new member to your family! We may have some more surprises coming for you this weekend, keep your eyes peeled!

2019 Grab the Wheel Run/Walk Against Impaired Driving

Kivi Park 4472 Long Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Safe Ride Home Sudbury is thrilled to announce the 2nd Annual Grab the Wheel Run/Walk Against Impaired Driving at Kivi Park Sunday, September 22, 2019. We invite the community to take part in this special event to raise money and awareness towards Safe Ride Home Sudbury’s holiday ride campaign. Bring the family to enjoy a fun day of races and charity BBQ! We have races for everyone! - Kids 1km - Family 5km - Individual 5km - Corporate Team 5km Register onsite the day of the event or pre-register online at https://www.events.runningroom.com/site/?raceId=16552 For more event info, please visit saferidehomesudbury.ca See you on Race Day!

Women, Wine & Wellness

Salute Coffee Company 2195 Armstrong Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

To all our fabulous Women out there! Do we have a FUN event for you! Vita Chiropractic and Wellness Centre is hosting our first ever Women ,Wine and Wellness Event at Salute Coffee Company on September 26th at 7:00 pm. Join us for a women's night out with motivational health and wellness presentations, organic Ontario wine and awesome goodie bags and door prizes donated by local wellness companies! With three local speakers, you will be sure to leave feeling fired up about making your health a priority! Hot Topics include: Stress Doesn't Really Go With My Outfit! - Presented By Dr. Janna Doni, DC No, You are NOT Crazy! It’s your HORMONES! - Presented by Dr. Tara O'Brien, ND Energize Your Ambitious Life - Presented by Selina Rose, RHN, INHC, RYT Not only are these topics so important, but also you will be surrounded by awesome, like-minded women in a room full of so much fun-lovin’ energy and goodness! Grab your special women and come join us for a fun, interactive night full of all things WOMEN and WELLNESS (and not to mention some awesome organic wine!) Tickets are limited, so purchase one today for you and your lovely ladies! We cannot wait to see all our women there! All proceeds will be donated to Voices for Women - Sudbury Sexual Assault Centre.


2019 Luncheon of Hope

Caruso Club 385 Haig Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Please join us for the 21st annual Luncheon of Hope September 27, 2019 Caruso Club 12:00 pm $60 per Ticket $600 Table of 10 Celebrating 21 years dedicated to breast health and research equipment in our community and raising over $915,000! The Northern Cancer Foundation and the 2019 Luncheon of Hope organizing committee are pleased to announce this year's Vale-sponsored keynote speaker is Sharon Hampson. Sharon is a member of the beloved Canadian trio Sharon, Lois & Bram who have entertained families across North America since 1978. They have been named to the Order of Canada, received the Danny Kaye Humanitarian Award on behalf of UNICEF as well as a "Doctor of Humane Letters" degree from Mount Saint Vincent University. They have sold millions of records, had two acclaimed television series and for the past twenty years since Lois' retirement, Sharon and Bram have continued to perform. They are currently on a cross-Canada farewell tour. This year’s event will continue to raise funds towards the purchase of the Incucyte S3 Live Cell Analysis system. With IncuCyte S3 live-cell analysis, cells are measured continuously so new insights into biological processes and changes can be done via real-time. With greater understanding of cell activity researchers can run multiple tests and devise new experiments that will lead to better insight and treatment for breast cancer. 100% of monies raised stay in our community to support breast cancer research and equipment at the Northeast Cancer Centre.


Kivi Park Yard Sale and BBQ Fundraiser

Kivi Park 4472 Long Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

The Kivi Park Neighbourhood Association invite you to a fundraising Yard Sale and BBQ on Saturday, September 28th from 9:00am - 2:30pm (no early birds) to help support the Kivi Park Neighbourhood Rink. VENDORS WELCOME! Looking to sell some of your treasures? Book a spot for $25 without a table or $35 with a table included. This includes room for ONE 8 foot table. Bring your own chair. CASH ONLY, there is no ATM on site. BBQ onsite selling hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks and more! We will be accepting community donations of yard sale items for our Kivi Park Neighbourhood Association table at the Rink Building at Kivi Park on: Wednesday, September 25 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm Thursday, September 26 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm Friday, September 27 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm Items should be in good working condition, no clothing or large furniture items will be accepted. All proceeds go towards rink maintenance and our Kivi Park Thunder youth hockey teams. Book your spot now!! To reserve your space please email Shannon at kivineighbourhoodassociation@gmail.com. See you there, rain or shine!

Kettlebells for Cancer

Sudbury Kettlebell Club 1060 Lorne Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

After a one year hiatus Kettlebells for Cancer is BACK!!! This is our signature charity event. The money raised goes to support pediatric cancer and the Northern Cancer Foundation. This year's event will take place Saturday September 28, 2019 at 10 am. Entry fee will be a donation. Donate what you can. Donations will be taken at the door or online with tax recipts available. Re-fueling and re-hyrdating (AKA Food and drink) to follow at a location TBA

Shred Cancer Mountain Bike Classic 2019

Kivi Park 4472 Long Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

MOVE Fitness Series: Shred Cancer Mountain Bike Classic, Presented by Adventure 365 Sunday, 29, 2019 Speed & Precision are what it's all about when it comes to shredding Kivi Park's mountain bike trails! Compete on your own or part of a team and raise funds for the Northern Cancer Foundation! REGISTRATION: 10:00 a.m. RACES START: 11:00 a.m. 1 km, 3km Kids - $5 5km/10km and 15km - $35 Raise $100 or more in pledges and we will waive your registration! To register please visit www.ncfsudbury.com - click on Shred Cancer Mountain Bike Classic or call 705.523.4673.

Axe Cancer Sudbury

Bust out your flannels, embrace your true Canadian spirit, and compete in a Kick Axe axe-throwing tournament to send kids affected by childhood cancer in Sudbury to summer camp. This October 6th, Camp Quality Northern Ontario hold it's annual axe-throwing tournament in Sudbury and North Bay. Every bullseye gets us closer to our target: sending all children with cancer to camp. This super fun event is also happening in seven cities across Canada on the same day, everywhere that Camp Quality has a camp including Toronto, Barrie, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Calgary! Only $200 per team (4 players per team) or $50 per individual. Register at: www.axecancer.ca Prizes will be available - stay tuned for more details! Looking to sponsor a laneway? Contact dan.denoble@campquality.org