Giving Tuesday / Mardi Je Donne
Health Sciences North Sudbury 41 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaGiving Tuesday Facebook Live Stream-a-Thon Health Sciences North One Community, One Mission! This #GivingTuesday, Health Sciences North Foundation, NEO Kids Foundation, Northern Cancer Foundation and Health Sciences North Volunteer Service are joining forces and teaming up to raise funds to support the purchase of new MRI scanners for Health Sciences North (HSN)! Join us from 11:30am to 12:30pm on December 3rd for our Facebook Live Steam-a-Thon and help us raise $30,000 to go towards essential equipment needs at HSN so that you and your loved ones continue to receive the best health care services possible – right here in the North. Every year, approximately 13,000 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests are performed at HSN to support the needs of 600,000 people throughout Northeastern Ontario. Currently, the single MRI at HSN is operating 24/7 and is nearing its 10-year lifespan. It needs to be replaced. Wait times to access an MRI are well above the provincial target and people are having scans on weekends and at all times during the day and night, or have to travel to other hospitals to get an MRI. But replacing the old MRI is not enough, we need two new MRIs. Two new MRIs will: • provide enhanced patient-centred care by significantly shortening wait times • operate during more accessible hours • reduce travel burden and costs for patients • improve diagnosis and treatment • Allow for cardiac and other specialized MRIs to be performed in our hospital As a regional leader and the only acute teaching facility in the Northeast, it is essential that HSN be equipped to provide sufficient medical imaging to support its unique and specialty role, including specialties in Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Cardiology and Oncology. In order to purchase new MRIs for HSN, donor support is of critical...