Latest Past Events

March Break Outdoor Survival Skills Camp

Sudbury BBJ & Muay Thai Academy 790 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury

Join us this year for our Outdoor Survival Skills and Bullyproof Camp! We split each day between having fun indoors learning real world self defense and verbal bullyproof skills and outdoors learning wilderness survival skills from Officer Mitch Turcott, a conversvation officer with over 30 years experience in the outdoors! Early bird price is $179 per child for the wek (or $40 per day) we always offer a discount of 10% for the 2nd child and 20% for the 3rd. Regular price $199 after March 10th! Call now and SAVE! 705.222.7655


SMMA – March Break Camp

Sudbury MMA 428 Westmount Avenue, Sudbury

This week is SMMA's March Break Camp!!