Sudbury Auto Glass Presents Willy Wonka

Science North

Join us April 5th, 2018 at the Science North Cavern, for the Sudbury Auto Glass, Willy Wonka Comedy Gala in support of The Sunshine Foundation of Canada. Featuring comedians Bob Kerr, Ryan Horwood, Precious Chong, and Laurie Elliott, with Emcee Shawn McLaren. The night promises big belly laughs, light refreshments, and fantastic auction items to bid on. Help us make dreams come true for children with severe physical disabilities and life-threatening illnesses. Tickets are $75 each and can be purchased at the link below or by calling 705-688-1234. Limited VIP tickets also available by emailing


Ma mère est un poisson rouge

Le Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Canada

Production théâtrale pour les enfants de 5 ans + Du haut de ses dix ans (et demi !), Xavier essaie de faire réagir sa maman qui vit dans sa chambre comme un poisson rouge dans un bocal. Avec la complicité de ses amis Imma et Mika, Xavier utilise tous les moyens du bord pour nous faire revivre, de façon inventive et souvent folle, son histoire familiale. Parce qu’un jour ou l’autre, on s’allège de ses petites et grandes peines pour partager ses moments de bonheur. texte et mise en scène MARIE-CHRISTINE LÊ-HUU // avec ISABELLE LAMONTAGNE, JEAN-FRANÇOIS PRONOVOST et SASHA SAMAR // scénographie et accessoires ANNE-MARIE BÉRUBÉ // musiqueOLIVIER MONETTE-MILMORE // illustrations CATHERINE CÔTE // éclairages JEANNE FORTIN-L. // régie (lumière, son et vidéo) MAUDE SERRURIER Producteur : Théâtre de l'Avant-Pays

Eaux (Streams)

Le Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Canada

Poésie aquatique sans paroles pour les enfants de 6 mois à 4 ans. Sur la grève, une musique ondoyante comme le chant des baleines attire la danseuse. Elle part vers le large, dans un univers poétique aquatique sans parole où le langage est fait de lumière, de sons et de mouvements. Cette production allie danse, contrebasse et théâtre. Elle transporte les tout-petits dans un voyage sensoriel enveloppant. Parce qu’un jour où l’autre, la découverte devient poésie. dramaturgie et mise en scène AUDREY MARCHAND et LAURENCE P. LAFAILLE // chorégraphies et interprétation JOSIANE BERNIER // contrebasse SYMON MARCOUX // environnement sonore SIMON ELMALEH // espace et costumes DOMINIC THIBAULT // lumière et mécaniques scéniques PHILIPPE LESSARD DROLET // collaboration artistique SOPHIE GRELIÉ Producteur : Les Incomplètes DATES : SAMEDI 21 AVRIL 2018 À 10 H ET À 13 H 30 DURÉE : 30 MINUTES SANS ENTRACTE ***** Aquatic poetry without words for children 6 months to 4 years old. As she stands on the beach, the dancer is drawn to the sea by whale songs. She is carried offshore towards an underwater world where language is made up of light, sounds and movements. This production is a savvy blend of dance, bass music and theatre. It takes children on a cozy, sensory, lyrical voyage of discovery. Because sooner or later, discovery becomes poetry. Playwrights and Directors AUDREY MARCHAND, LAURENCE P LAFAILLE // Choreographer and Dancer JOSIANE BERNIER // Contrabass SYMON MARCOUX // DATES : SATURDAY APRIL 21 2018, 10 A.M. AND 1:30 P.M. DURATION : 30 MINUTES WITHOUT INTERMISSION Producer : Les Incomplètes

Oliver! the musical

Theatre Cambrian 40 Eyre Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Oliver is a classic tale of an orphan who is looking for a sense of family. This classic tale based on Dickins' Oliver Twist is a show for the whole family, and it will leave you wanting MORE.


PlaySmelter Readings: Storytold Strikes

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

Storytold Strikes By Rick Duthie Sudbury Strike Stories is a site-specific historical play that focusses on the postwar incidences of strikes in Sudbury, Ontario. It is early in its development and is currently told episodically, as a transgenerational memory play, through multiple points of view. Put simply, the story is told through exchanges of memories, chronologically in time, beginning in the Great Depression and ending in 2018. We are enlisted in this journey back in time with the help of a young girl. Laurie vividly remembers the 1958 strike. She eavesdrops, listening in on the heated exchanges occurring at her kitchen table, while she should really be in bed. Her memories invoke the stories of her family and friends as we move forward in time. Often conflicting experiences striking, working and living in Sudbury interrupt and disturb her version of these events. She tries to sort it all out, a tangled mess of memories that change and shift as she grows older. She blinks and finds herself accompanying her husband on that picket line in the late 70s. Her father is long gone, and all the old timers are retired. What remains consistent is this kitchen table, a pivotal location for these exchanges. When later we see these events staged, what does it all mean? What does she hold on to? What can she let go? Saturday May 5th: 5:00 PM (With Artist Talkback) BackSpace, Sudbury Theatre Centre Tickets $15 | PlaySmelter All-In Festival Pass $85


PlaySmelter Presents: Paradise

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

Paradise By Patti Flather Directed by: Majdi Bou-Matar Featuring Pam Patel, Aldrin Bundoc, Nicholas Cumming & Michael Peng Set & Properties Design by David Skelton Sound Design and Composition by Jordy Walker Lighting Design by Jennifer Jimenez Costume Design by Melaina Sheldon Stage Managed by Zac Gungl “Paradise: what you get when you cross a skilled, veteran playwright with a vibrant, movement-based theatre company. Gwaandak Theatre's Patti Flather and the MT Space have come together to produce a show that is as beautiful as it is unsettling, linking stories of peaches, snakes, dogs, limericks, and ordinary people under stress.” – Ric Knowles, Professor of Theatre Studies, University of Guelph An unemployed logger, a young man accused of terrorism, a family doctor and his daughter, are all searching for their humanity inside the systems that cage us all. This play explores human rights, mental illness and addictions, and our own personal complicity in such urgent issues that surround us on daily basis. A poetic, complex and challenging work, Paradise is a beautiful marriage of the text and imagery of Patti Flather with the distinct physical style of MT Space. *Paradise premiered at the Yukon Arts Centre in Whitehorse, Yukon in 2015 and was showcased at IMPACT 15 in Kitchener, Ontario. Thursday May 3rd: 8:00 PM (With Artist Talkback) Friday May 4th: 9:00 PM Saturday May 5th: 8:00 PM (With Post-show VIP event for PlaySmelter All-In Festival Pass Holders) Mainstage, Sudbury Theatre Centre Tickets $30 | PlaySmelter All-In Festival Pass $85


Lancement de la saison 18.19 du TNO // 18.19 TNO Season Launch

Le Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Canada

VOUS ÊTES ICI : au premier arrêt sur l’itinéraire de voyage que vous propose la saison 18.19 du TNO. Dans un espace partagé d’humanité, d’histoires et d’émotions. Dans un lieu où résonnent les paroles, se construisent les histoires, se confrontent les idées et se bricolent les rêves. RSVP avant le 8 mai 2018, au 705 525-5606 p.4, ou par courriel à l'adresse : billetterie@letno. OUVERTURE DES PORTES : 19h DÉVOILEMENT DE LA SAISON 18.19 : 19h15 // YOU ARE HERE: at the first stop of the itinerary of a voyage proposed by the 18.19 TNO season. In a space shared by stories, emotions and humanity. In a place where words resonate, stories are built, ideas meet and dreams are crafted. RSVP before May 8th 2018, at 705 525-5606 ext. 4, or by email : DOORS OPEN AT 7 PM 18.19 SEASON ANNOUNCEMENT AT 7:15 pm

LEP Theatre Presents Pippin

Lo Ellen 275 Loachs Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

The LEP Theatre Company presents Pippin! Tickets are $10 each and will be available at the door. To reserve tickets, please call the school at 705-522-2320 The play will be be performed at LEP.


Opening Night – Violet

Thorneloe University Manitou Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Music by Jeanine Tesori, Book and Lyrics by Brian Crawley Directed by Alessandro Costantini "Violet" is the emotional journey of a disfigured girl who was struck by a wayward axe blade when her father was chopping wood, leaving her with a visible scar across her face. We follow Violet on a journey through the segregated American South in the 1960s seeking a miracle- the healing touch of a televangelist who she hopes can make her beautiful. On the way, she meets a magnitude of characters whose love for her reaches far past her physical "imperfections." Winner of the Drama Critics' Circle Award and Lucille Lortel Award for Best Musical when it premiered Off-Broadway in 1997, and then on to a Tony-nominated Broadway debut in 2014 , Violet is a moving musical featuring show-stopping anthems, ranging from American-roots to folk to gospel. With a score from Tony-winning composer Jeanine Tesori (Caroline, or Change; Thoroughly Modern Millie; Shrek; Fun Home) and book and lyrics by the acclaimed Brian Crawley (A Little Princess), Violet is inspired by the short story, The Ugliest Pilgrim by Doris Betts, astounding critics and audiences alike in two separate decades.


Le Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Canada

Vous êtes ici. En plein désert du Nevada, où se dresse un grand peuplier solitaire aux branches chargées de chaussures. Alexandra s’arrache à sa sédentarité pour entreprendre une traversée de l’Amérique qui mène jusqu’à cet arbre qui marque le passage des voyageurs en transformant leurs souliers en fragments d’éternité. Mais la route mène surtout jusqu’à Jack, son grand-père, l’infatigable voyageur qui lui a échappé toute sa vie. Tous ceux qu’elle croise sur sa route la conduisent sur les traces de son aïeul et aussi, chemin faisant, à la rencontre de soi. Texte : Marie-Pierre Proulx // Mise en scène : Magali Lemèle // Interprétation: France Huot, Jean Marc Dalpé // Régisseure : Sophie Ducharme // Conseils dramaturgiques : Maureen Labonté // Scénographie : Marie-Pierre Proulx // Éclairages : Michael Brunet // Environnement sonore : Marcel Aymar// Costumes : Miriam Cusson // Direction technique et de production : Ivan Pitre Producteur : Le Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario 19 octobre 2018 : Causerie avec les artistes 20 octobre 2018 : L'heure du conte sera offert pendant la représentation de 14h 20 octobre 2018 : Les représentations du samedi seront présentées avec des SURTITRESTM anglais 25 octobre 2018 : La représentation du jeudi sera présentée avec des SURTITRESTM anglais *** You are here. Deep in the Nevada desert, where a lone poplar tree stands tall, its branches laden with shoes. Alexandra, usually so sedentary, is travelling across America to stand before that tree. It bears witness to the passage of travellers, transforming their shoes into bits of eternity. Above all, the road leads to Jack. Her grandfather, the tireless traveller, has been everywhere, except in her life. Along the way, she meets people who guide her, in the footsteps of her ancestor, on a journey of self-discovery. Playwright: Marie-Pierre Proulx // Director: Magali Lemèle...

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