Fortunate Losers @ The Townehouse Tavern
Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, CanadaFortunate Losers rock the Townehouse with locals and friends from Southern Ontario. Line up TBA
IceBurgh Invitational Performance League: #705Live (420 Edition)
The Asylum Sudbury 19 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaThe first ever IceBurgh Invitational Performance League event comes to Sudbury!! The #705Live Performance Tournament begins next Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 at The Asylum Sudbury (Downstairs of the old Navy League building across from Queen's Athletic Field) featuring: PUTTZOH (Chance Kwieciarz) Darnel Bianco PRYNCE (Hughy Prynce Duncan) Ib Profit Bobo Boros Entry - Ladies free before 11:30 PM $10 before 11:30 PM $15 after 11:30 PM Doors open at 10 PM EST, show begins at 11:30 PM EST! For more information go to
Unbreakable Spring Open 2017
Adanac Ski HillJoin the Sudbury community and run/walk to end the stigma surrounding mental illness. All the proceeds from the event will be going towards bringing a group program to youth suffering with depression here in the Sudbury community.
Kundalini Yoga with Lynn
ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, SudburySunday, April 23 | 1-2:15pm $20 | 20% off for members There are no levels in Kundalini Yoga whether you're a beginner or you've been practicing for years. The benefits are immediate! You will feel physically, mentally and emotionally different after each practice. It's powerful stuff! The purpose of yoga is to raise your kundalini energy (primal energy located atthe base of the spine) so that you can live your purpose and fulfill your destiny. The techniques used in the Kundalini tradition fast track you to achieving this. It will free you from your subconscious fears and self imposed limitations. It will access a strength you're not even aware you have and put you on a path of freedom and purpose! This powerful practice will incorporate dynamic breathing, energetic movement, meditative mantras and will most certainly inspire you to dance! If you've never experienced Kundalini's a must! Register online, or over the phone 705.222.8464
Sudbury Street Poetry Readings
Greater Sudbury Public Library 74 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaJoin Poet Laureate Kim Fahner and local writers who have submitted their poetry to the Sudbury Street Poetry Project for a celebratory evening at the Main Library (74 Mackenzie Street) to officially kick off the Street Poetry Project. There will be readings and an announcment of the launch of a special edition of Terra North/Nord.
A Taste for Life – Sudbury 2017
Downtown Sudbury Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaWednesday, April 26, 2017 -- Participating restaurants will donate 25% of the cost of your meal to support our community’s HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C education prevention and outreach programs. -- Le mercredi 26 avril, 2017 -- les restaurants participants feront un don de 25% du coût de votre repas pour aider à améliorer les programmes d’information, de prévention, et d’intervention de matière de VIH/sida et d’hépatite C dans notre communauté. -- LUNCH & DINNER / DÎNER & SOUPER • Fionn MacCool’s – Kingsway • Fionn MacCool’s – Regent • Fromagerie Elgin • Hardrock 42 Gastropub • Peddler's Pub • Tucos Taco Lounge DINNER ONLY / SOUPER SEULEMENT • Anke & Tony’s Seafood • Bella Vita Cucina • My Thai Palace – Notre Dame • My Thai Palace – Long Lake • Rose Apple Restaurant • Signatures Restaurant – Chelmsford
Stitch and Pitch
Sweet Yarns 947 Lorne Street, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaBring your projects down to Sweet Yarns and join us in watching the Blue Jays' game. Game starts at 1:45PM with Toronto @ St. Louis.
WTF is Graphic Design: Grad Exhibit ’17
Cambrian College's Open Studio 93 Cedar Street, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaAs design students, we have spent the last three years figuring out WTF graphic design is. We’ve realized that graphic design doesn’t have a single definition, so we asked our community what graphic design means to them. The responses are hilarious, insightful, confessional—and demonstrate an honest cross section of opinion on what it means to do this thing we do. “WTF is Graphic Design?” is an exhibit that will explore the interpretations (and misinterpretations) of graphic design from the perspective of students, designers, and the general public. Most importantly, the exhibit allows the class of 2017 to define what graphic design means to each of us. Visit
#GIRLPOWER: In Support of YWCA Sudbury
The Durham Social 82 Durham Street, Sudbury, Canada#Girlpower there’s nothing like it! Are you a nasty woman? A girl boss? Are you a dude who doesn’t use feminist as a dirty word? Get ready to celebrate at a party where female empowerment is the theme of the night! With a host of local lady performers you’ll be feeling the #Girlpower for weeks! Proceeds from event will go towards YWCA’s annual Power of Being a Girl conference. This annual event empowers young girls in Sudbury and across Canada to discuss the topics that affect them and prepares them for the future with workshop presentations on healthy relationships, media and body image and communication skills. Tickets will be $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Special YPA Member ticket are $7.