Unicorn Photos & Fun with Phoenix

Heavenly Achres Ranch 2436 hwy 144, Chelmsford, Ontario, Canada

Come out to Heavenly Acres Open House Saturday Sept. 21st from 12-4pm. 2436 Hwy 144 (between Desjardins & Dairy Queen near Chelmsford). Photos ($20 each emailed), Unicorn Booth (Slime Making, Glitter Tattoos, Unicorn Fudge, Toys, Balloons & More!)...


Fall Eats & Asana

Two Souls Yoga 469 Bouchard Street Suite 229, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

This fall, STOP feeling exhausted and put yourself on your priority list. Eats & Asana Weekend Experience is for busy women who want to break the exhausting cycle of pushing through and feel grounded, centered and energized every day. This weekend immersion is designed to introduce you to the Eats & Asana system so that you can: • Have more energy every day to give your very best to your work and the people around you. • Feel more in touch with yourself and a new sense of confidence allows you to stand up for yourself and prioritize your needs. • Phase out unhealthy foods with ease, while still feeling happy, satisfied. • Have more energy and feel great in your skin. **FULL DETAILS HERE: https://www.selinarose.ca/eaw/ The course offers a food and movement system that will empower you with the tools to be grounded, centered and nourish your body so you have even more energy to take on the world! Join the Eats & Asana Weekend Experience for only $379! To see what others have to say about the course click here: https://www.selinarose.ca/eaw/ Dates: September 21 & 22nd (Saturday 12-2 pm, Sunday 10 am - 2 pm) Location: Connected Living Studio (2153 Armstrong St.) Course format: alternating discussion & yoga classes -Manual and notes included -Group sharing activities -Includes a 2-hour virtual Make Cooking Easy Masterclass with Selina **Limited spaces available. Register here: https://www.selinarose.ca/eaw/ Email your questions to hello@selinarose.ca


Supplement Seminar

Goodlife Lasalle 2015 Lasalle Blvd., Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Supplements. There’s much confusion about supplements in the fitness industry. If you’re new to this, it can be very overwhelming trying to navigate your way through the amount of information out there. To help ease the confusion, BOSS Supplements and Popeyes's Supplements have come together to give you a clear and straightforward guide to supplements during this seminar. If you are also just wanting to learn more about what types of supplements are out there, feel free to join!

J.P Wiser’s presents The Canadian Stomper Son of Stompin Tom

The Coulson Nightclub 52 Larch Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

J.P Wiser's Presents: The Canadian Stomper Son of Stompin' Tom 🇨🇦 Join us on a Sudbury Saturday Night at The Coulson Nightclub for a stompin' good time. Honouring the music, legacy and stories of his father, Taw puts on a show that would make his father proud! September 21st |Doors 6PM | Tickets $25 | 19+ Tickets can be purchase at: Long & McQuade (Sudbury) Northbury Hotel & Conference Centre The Coulson Nightclub (Cash Only) OR ONLINE : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jp-wisers-presents-the-canadian-stomper-son-of-stompin-tom-tickets-70634326171?ref=eios Coming from out of town? We have an exclusive hotel deal from Northbury Hotel! $99+HST a night (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) Call to book your room and use the reference word: “StompingWisers” https://northburyhotels.com/ J.P Wiser's is a proud sponsor and will be on site. Visit their pop-up J.P Wiser's bar for great drinks and Swag. ______________________________________________ The Coulson Nightclub 52 Larch Street, Downtown Sudbury _______________________________________________ Thank you, 92.7 Rock, Hive Management, Northbury Hotel, Long & McQuade #SudburySaturdayNight


Ladies Night @ ARC

ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, Sudbury

We're bringing back Ladies Night! Grab some girlfriends and come join us on Saturday September 21st from 8:00pm-10:00pm for some after hours climbing! This event is a great opportunity to make some new friends, as well as learn some climbing technique during our workshops throughout the evening. Entrance is $15 per person which includes shoes and a harness. Make sure to bring your own running shoes, as we might run out of some sizes! Members are free to attend, and any member can bring a guest for just $10!


Johnny 2 Fingers w/Perpetual War Machine & Like A Girl

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Johnny 2 Fingers & the Deformities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVlTClcpPPs Perpetual War Machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S28ukHmuXXE Like A Girl https://likeagirl.bandcamp.com/

2019 Grab the Wheel Run/Walk Against Impaired Driving

Kivi Park 4472 Long Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Safe Ride Home Sudbury is thrilled to announce the 2nd Annual Grab the Wheel Run/Walk Against Impaired Driving at Kivi Park Sunday, September 22, 2019. We invite the community to take part in this special event to raise money and awareness towards Safe Ride Home Sudbury’s holiday ride campaign. Bring the family to enjoy a fun day of races and charity BBQ! We have races for everyone! - Kids 1km - Family 5km - Individual 5km - Corporate Team 5km Register onsite the day of the event or pre-register online at https://www.events.runningroom.com/site/?raceId=16552 For more event info, please visit saferidehomesudbury.ca See you on Race Day!

Monday Urban Poling Sept 16-30: Superstore to Twin Forks

This will be a moderate walk along scenic trails. Make sure to dress for the weather: use your preferred form of protection from the sun, wear study, comfortable footwear, and don't forget to fill up your water bottle and bring it along as well! We will meet in the Superstore Parking lot near the Pharmacy.

Louis-José Houde au French Fest

Fraser Auditorium 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Il est un incontournable de l’humour. Il est un des humoristes francophones les plus marquants de sa génération. Véritable bête de scène, il tient une place de choix dans le cœur du public avec sa polyvalence, son charisme, ses textes terriblement efficaces, son timing impeccable et sa maîtrise inégalable de l’art de la métaphore hilarante. Porté par un style inimitable, une verve intelligente et une énergie fascinante, il cumule les succès et ajoute constamment de nouveaux projets à son impressionnante feuille de route. BILLETS / TICKETS : Adulte / Adult : 54 $ Aîné / Senior : 43,25 $ Jeune adulte/ Young adult (18-30) : 43,25 $ Jvais (13-17) : 5 $ Enfant / Child : 5 $ 5$ de plus à la porte Additional $5 at the door Les billets individuels seront en vente à partir du 1er juillet 2019. D'ici là, prenez votre abonnement la Totale ou À la carte! laslague.ca/billetterie/ ------------------------------------------------- Louis-José Houde is one of the foremost stand-up comedians of our times. Contagious energy, smart themes and impeccable delivery are the hallmarks of his remarkable career.

DIY: Live Edge Charcuterie Tray

DIY Craftery & Lounge 43 Elm Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Hello, is it brie you're looking for? Tickets for our long-awaited live edge tray class are now AVAILABLE! Choose between three expressions to stencil and paint, attach handles, seal the wood, and VOILÀ! Your one of a kind serving tray is beautiful and ready for all the meat, cheese, wine, and anything else you can carry!
