STC Cabaret Series: Ladies of the Rock feat. Samantha Simone

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

Sudbury Theatre Centre Presents a NEW cabaret series: LADIES OF THE ROCK! This 3-part series will showcase some of Sudbury's giant population of amazing female musicians and artists: come let us give you some insight as to what these rockin' gals are up to! Hosted by the incredibly talented rockin' lady herself, Kelly Perras, these three evenings are sure to get your toes tapping and your minds thinking about what Sudbury has to offer. Our first lady of the rock is the sweet Samantha Simone! Fresh off of a stellar debut performance in Sudbury Burlesque's Monster's Ball 3, Samantha is one multi-faceted artist you don't want to miss the chance to see. Check out some of Samantha's music here and be sure to join us on Saturday, December 2nd, at 8pm! Tickets are $20/person and are available online at, by calling the DiBrina Box Office at 705.674.8381, or in person at 170 Shaughnessy St. in the heart of Downtown Sudbury. See you soon!


LPS Esthetics One Year Anniversary

Le Petit Spa Esthetics 2140 Regent Street Unit 12, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

You're invited! Yes YOU!?? Join us on Tuesday, September 26th frpm 6pm-8pm to celebrate LPS Esthetics One Year Anniversary.? Come sit in on a live facial demonstration using Eminence Organic products then browse some amazing local bussinesses that will be showcasing the following products and services: handmade kimonos cold pressed juices vegan beauty & wellness products unique clothing handmade jewelry fitness and wellness education Plus don't forget to try some delicious baked goodies from Beards Bakery. This is a night you won't want to miss!✨ *ADULT EVENT ONLY* *NO FEE TO GET IN* However, click the link to register and save your spot for the facial demonstration. Limited seating. Vendors: Madame Babu, Juice Me Healthy, Wolf & Pine Soap Co, Ancient Code Apparel, Stitch & Stone, Olive & Annie and Zen Fitness

Chakra Yoga and Violin Journey

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Your 2-hour experiential Chakra Yoga & Violin journey offers you an opportunity to gracefully explore your body, mind, and emotions with reflective self-inquiry through breath, postures, and journaling that supports you in feeling more grounded, fluid, playful, clear, and connected. (Chakras are energy centers that when balanced offer personal well-being and vitality on all levels). Investment: $49 +HST Pre-payment required, at One Sky. What to bring: yoga mat, journal and coloured pens or markers. Available spaces are limited to 10. Lana Boyuk, is a deeply respected Holistic Life Coach and the Owner/Director of RADIANCE YOGA & LIFESTYLE SCHOOL: The Art of Graceful Growth & Elegant Evolution. Lana has been teaching yoga since 2001 and has a gold-standard school designation from the Canadian Yoga Alliance, offering Yoga Teacher Training (300hr) & Yoga of Intimacy Lifestyle Programs (100hr). Read more about Lana Cristina Masotti is a violinist active in the Northern orchestral community with many years of performance and teaching experience. She is thrilled to offer this unique experience with Lana.


Science Cafés – Legalization of Marijuana

Taphouse Northern Grill + Pub 1500 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Legalization of Marijuana: evidence-based decision or reefer madness? Panelists: James Watterson, Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Science, Laurentian University. Sarah Cadorette Clinical Supervisor, Bodystream Medical Marijuana FREE! - No registration required As the Government of Canada aims to legalize marijuana by July 1st 2018, many questions still loom about benefits, risks, enforcement, and scientific evidence. Since 1997, public opinion polls have found that an increasing majority of Canadians agree that, “Smoking marijuana should not be a criminal offence.” Is this shift in public opinion supported by scientific evidence? Medical marijuana is currently used to treat a long list of health problems, but when we look at the scientific evidence, the list gets very short. There is also evidence that marijuana can have negative effects on brain development, especially in teenagers. Marijuana researchers in Canada are held back by current regulations and more research is needed. With one of the world’s highest consumption rates and immanent legalization in Canada, are our scientists poised to become world leaders in marijuana research?

The Real World of Real Estate

Royal LePage North Heritage Realty 1620 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join us for coffee and learn about our exciting New Agent Training Program. Topics to be discussed include: - How to get your license - Costs of getting into the business - Monthly costs - Training - Income potential - Benefits of the career - Vehicle - Commercial vs residential - Large office vs. small office - Part time vs full time - Commonly asked questions Seating is limited—please call to reserve your space! R.S.V.P. to Julie 705-688-0007 (leave message)

Ask the Herbalist: Essential Oils for Families

Zen Fitness 158 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

During this class, individuals will learn what essential oils are. How to use essential oils safely & what to look for when purchasing essential oils. Learn about 10 family friendly essential oils and their common uses. Bonus! Participants will get to make a scented castile soap for themselves or children. This class is fun for the whole family, minimum age recommendation 8+ years old. Please note From the Roots Holistic/Dana Clark is not affiliated with any MLM or direct sales marketing company. This class is taught by a Herbalist & Natural Health Practitioner. When: September 27th, 2017 (registration deadline September 26th) Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM Location: Zen Fitness, 158 Durham St, Sudbury Registration: $30 (bring a friend and save!) Click the tickets link to register


Core Vitality Fitness Program

ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, Sudbury

If you are a mom who would like to flatten your midsection, eliminate back pain, reduce incontinence, improve your fitness and address those unwelcome changes in your pelvic floor, then Core Vitality is for you! Here at Core Vitality we are experts in the postpartum body and run group fitness classes comprised fully of safe and effective exercises that strengthen the core and create a dynamic pelvic floor. With the perfect combination of education and fitness, you can come and learn, workout, connect with other moms and carve some time out for yourself. Message us to register or call Lexi for details (705) 698-8911

Fall Book Launch

Ristorante Verdicchio 1351 Kelly Lake Road, Sudbury, Sudbury, Canada

Join Latitude 46 Publishing and authors Rod Carley, Suzanne Charron, Liisa Kovala, Roger Nash and Hap Wilson for the launch of their books. Featuring author readings and meet and greet social. Cash bar.

Million Dollar Quartet at the Sudbury Theatre Centre

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

This worldwide smash-hit musical is inspired by the famous recording session that brought together rock ‘n’ roll icons Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins for the first and only time. See Michael Vanhevel as Elvis Presley in this amazing show! Matinee and Evening performances from September 28th to October 15th.

Daniel Bélanger au French Fest

The Grand 23 Elgin Street, Sudbury

Les billets individuels seront vendus en août. Pour l'instant, seuls les forfaits sont disponibles. Daniel Bélanger En 1992, celui qui a fait ses classes avec le groupe Humphrey Salade va lancer une petite bombe dans le paysage musical québécois, une bombe titrée Les insomniaques s’amusent. Avec sa poésie débridée, ses mélodies ciselées, le premier album de Daniel Bélanger séduit rapidement un large public et extasie la critique. Daniel Bélanger poursuit sa trajectoire avec Paloma, un disque voyageur, l’un les plus attendus de l’année musicale. Paloma veut dire « colombe », en espagnol. C’est sans doute pour ça que le nouvel opus est ponctué d’envolées, qui nous conduisent tantôt dans une Ère de glace où le cœur se contracte pour mieux se réinventer, tantôt dans l’infiniment petit, où le chercheur de beauté entend découvrir « la serrure, la liberté ».