Sudbury Basin Potters Sale
New Sudbury Library 1346 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaMembers of the Sudbury Basin Potters will have their work for sale.
Members of the Sudbury Basin Potters will have their work for sale.
What better way to celebrate the season with the family than with a pancake breakfast with Santa? You won’t even have to get dressed! Come in your favorite cozy pj’s and enjoy some quality time with the family while munching on delicious pancakes 🥞 and two classic holiday movies for only $15 per person! We’ll even put in a good word for you with the big guy! 🎅🏼 For more information visit
Amy Listmayer is in studio for the month of December. DECEMBER welcomes AMY LISTMAYER of TWIG & TOADSTOOL, Artist-in-Residence @ One Sky Amy Listmayer is inspired by the beauty of nature, science and biology. Her love of Northern Ontario nature has led to her miniature sculptures that are true to the species. Amy uses polymer clay, acrylic paints, and pastels in her work. Amy appreciates the fleeting nature of flora and fauna; she began creating miniature mushrooms to preserve their beauty in a more permanent way. Starting with plant or terrarium decorations, she was inspired to create jewelry out of her creations: earrings, pendants and hairpins. At first, there was some discouragement. She had a bit of trouble turning her vision into fruition, and wasn’t happy with the way her pieces were turning out. She was then gifted some tools, polymer clay and supplies, which afforded her the opportunity to hone her craft without a large investment in supplies. PROCESS Amy starts by researching the species, drawing it, and then gets an idea of how the subject looks in a 3-dimensional space. Sometimes, she uses white clay and paints the piece afterward, but more often uses coloured clay and a combination of pastel dust and pure pigment. She can dust it into the clay for a “watercoloury” look, or can mix water with acrylic paints if she wants a sheer look. The pieces are then baked in the oven at a low temperature, as this work does not require a kiln. More complicated pieces may require multiple bakings. Finally, the piece is glazed. Amy is also inspired by Japanese polymer clay artists, and loves the cuteness of miniature. QUESTIONS? CONTACT US! 705.222.1759
Vous êtes ici. Auprès d’un œuf qui s'échappe de son nid, d'une minibaleine qui ne veut plus se mouiller, d'une dinde dépressive, de deux bosses qui se disputent sur le dos d'un chameau, de porcs-épics facétieux qui se piquent en se serrant la pince… et encore! En mots et en images, deux personnages et leur machine à jouer avec les bêtes racontent de petits récits animaliers éclatés et incongrus. Leur drôle de bestiaire nous emporte avec une douce folie sur le chemin plein de détours qui fait découvrir l'autre et soi-même. POUR LES ENFANTS DE 4 À 8 ANS Texte : Marie-Hélène Larose-Truchon, David Paquet, Érika Tremblay-Roy // Mise en scène : Érika Tremblay-Roy // Interprétation : Ludger Côté, Emmanuelle Laroche // Régie : Andréanne Deschênes, Simon Vincent // Lumière : Andréanne Deschênes // Musique : Yann Godbout // Conception visuelle : Isabelle Caron // Conseillère à la création : Karine Sauvé Une production du Petit Théâtre de Sherbrooke
Tim of Jackson Woodcraft will be in store putting the finishing touches on his beautiful charcuterie boards. He will answer any questions you may have about his fine creations. Come and meet Tim, and get in on a special offer!
Canada's long-running telethon is back for another year to raise money for children in the Greater Sudbury district, ensuring everyone has something to open at Christmas. Join us for 9 hours of live television full of local performers.
Join us Saturday, December 1st from 6pm-2am for “Wings for Wild at Heart”! Wild at Heart is again partnering with Overtime Sports Bar & Grill (941 Notre Dame Avenue) for a fundraiser! A $20 ticket gets you 15 wings, and tickets must be purchased in advance. All net proceeds from ticket sales go directly to our organization. Once purchased, tickets can be emailed or picked up at our Centre (95 White Road, Lively). Tickets:
Get excited for Saturday, December 1st at the Sudbury Community Arena! The Sudbury Five will be taking on the Windsor Express. Do not miss this chance to come and witness Sudbury's first professional basketball team! Tickets are hot and on sale now!
Join host Kelly Perras and our special guest, John Newlands in an amazing night of song and stories in our first in the Steve's Encore Cabaret Series: Voices of the Rock! John Newlands is a recording artist/songwriter/composer/singer and multi-instrumentalist who has released 14 albums and numerous singles. He has done everything from a Pink Floyd tribute show to arranging for a barbershop quartet! "I look forward to sharing my evolution as a songwriter, and how my transition from a full-time musician to a worker has actually opened up my art. This will be a chance to talk about and perform songs from my 175+ song inventory, written and recorded over twenty years." -John Newlands 1 December 2018, 7:30pm Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street
All of your holiday favourites in one remarkable concert! The SSO returns to its traditional holiday concert, inviting you to take a magical journey with us as we perform heartwarming holiday favourites. Sudbury’s own Pamela Teed joins us for an unforgettable evening of celebration and good cheer. Warm up your singing voices, as we once again, invite everyone to join in on our holiday sing-along. Thank you to Northern Life and, tonight's Media Sponsors!