Sign Making Party – Women’s March Sudbury

Guilty Pleasures Bakeshop & Bar 82 Cedar Street, Sudbuyr, Ontario, Canada

Join us at Guilty Pleasures Bakeshop + Bar for our sign-making night! We will be hanging out, making signs and getting to know each other prior to the Women's March Sudbury / Marche des Femmes sur Sudbury 2019! BYOS (bring your own supplies!) cardboard, markers, paint, etc! See you then!

Zine Workshop

Greater Sudbury Public Library 74 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

(La version française suivra) Come unveil the secrets of zine-making with Chloé LaDuchesse, Poet Laureate and founder of Expozine Sudbury, and Sarah Blondin, multidisciplinary artist. All the aspects of a successful zine practice will be discussed to guide workshop participants with their projects. This program is for adults however, youth ages 13+ are welcome. / / / / Venez découvrir les dessous de la création de zines avec Chloé LaDuchesse, poète officielle et fondatrice d’Expozine Sudbury, et Sarah Blondin, artiste multidisciplinaire. Tous les aspects de la pratique du zine seront abordés afin de guider les participants dans la création de leurs œuvres. Groupe d’âge : Ados (à partir de 13 ans) et adultes

Tequila Tasting & Class

228 Pine Street

A good tequila is NOT supposed to be shot back with a squeeze of lemon! The Mexicans shudder at the thought and want us to learn to appreciate and savour every drop. Join Stephanie as she goes through samples of 5 tequilas to highlight their similarities and differences. Includes paired hors d'oeuvre samples and recipes to take home. $79 + HST Instructor: Stephanie Piché Dining Expert at Podcast Host & Producer of "Flying For Flavour"


Dinner & Show with Russell deCarle

The Motley Kitchen 70 Young Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Back by popular demand following his show in 2016 and enthusiastic response to his appearance at last summer's Northern Lights Festival! Russell deCarle is no stranger to awards and accolades — His years as the lead vocalist and bassist of the iconic Canadian country roots band, Prairie Oyster, were rewarded with six Juno Awards, more than a dozen Canadian Country Music Awards and enough gold and platinum records and #1 singles to fill a living room wall. "Oyster" was inducted into the Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame in 2008. The truth is, though, that Prairie Oyster was always more than a “country” band, and deCarle’s warm, burnished and intimate voice has always honoured an eclectic range of songs. Expect to hear a fluent collection of songs that mix southern soul and restrained balladry, with obvious touches of jazz, blues, rollicking Tex-Mex, old-school country classics, and western swing. Russell deCarle’s songwriting has absorbed all those influences, and he avidly listens to smooth soul singers and the men and women who made early country music so compelling. In his latest solo album, Alone In This Crowd, there are eight original songs and three covers. He will be accompanied by superb ace guitarist Steve Briggs, who is always subtle, tasteful, and understated, but central to deCarle’s sound. A native of Powell River B.C., Briggs is a graduate of the Berklee School of Music in Boston. Steve has performed, arranged and recorded with a host of musical stars including Sylvia Tyson, Quartette, Murray McLauchlan, Leon Redbone and Carroll Baker among many others. He was also the leader of the Bebop Cowboys, probably the best western swing band Canada ever produced. Dinner and entertainment combined is $60.00 including HST. Show-only seats are $25.00 each. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. with the buffet dinner served...

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Sudbury Five VS. Windsor Express

Sudbury Community Arena 240 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Get excited for Thursday, January 17th at the Sudbury Community Arena! Sudbury Five will be taking on division rival, Windsor Express. Do not miss this chance to come and witness Sudbury's first professional basketball team! Tickets are hot and on sale now! See you Thursday, January 17th at 7:05PM!

Sudbury Performance Group – Godspell

Collège Boréal 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Godspell was the first major musical theatre offering from three-time Grammy and Academy Award winner, Stephen Schwartz (Wicked, Pippin, Children of Eden), and it took the world by storm. Led by the international hit, "Day by Day," Godspell features a parade of beloved songs, including "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord," "Learn Your Lessons Well," "All for the Best," "All Good Gifts," "Turn Back, O Man" and "By My Side." A small group of people help Jesus Christ tell different parables by using a wide variety of games, storytelling techniques and hefty doses of comic timing. An eclectic blend of songs, ranging in style from pop to vaudeville, is employed as the story of Jesus' life dances across the stage. Dissolving hauntingly into the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, Jesus' messages of kindness, tolerance and love come vibrantly to life. Boasting a score with chart topping songs, a book by a visionary playwright (John-Michael Tebelak) and a feature film, Godspell is a sensation that continues to touch audiences. Because of its small technical demands and minimal cast size, it has become a staple of theatre companies, large and small.


NGDC 2019

Dynamic Earth 122 Big Nickel Mine Drive, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Welcome competitors... To the 2019 incarnation of the Northern Game Design Challenge! Some said it would never happen. But here we are, running into our 4th year. Whether you're an experienced Veteran or a rabid newcomer, we welcome you to this year's event. EVENT INFO: The Northern Game Design Challenge is a 48 hour competition where teams of up to 4 compete to make the best possible video game within a theme that we provide. Entrance is free, and all meals are provided! So regardless of if you're a musician, a programmer or an artist, this is a weekend of creativity and connections. TO SIGN UP: Visit our website at

Frost Weekend: Skiing & Snowboarding at Adanac Ski Hill

Adanac Ski Hill

Skiing and Snowboarding at Adanac Ski Hill! Friday January 18th, from 6pm to 9:30pm. ********All participants must register to participate! ******** Register here -> Free for both SGA/AGÉ and AEF member! *It is recommended that participants bring their own ski/snowboarding equipment as rentals are limited. *If you do not wish to take the complimentary bus to Adanac, you must be on location before 5:30pm.

Affordably Numb Celebrates Pink Floyd

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

Some of Sudbury's finest musicians are coming together to pay tribute to one of the most successful and influential groups in popular music history. Featuring Kevin Closs, Joe Fiorino, Dan Levecque, Ryan Levecque, Michael McArthur, John Newlands, Chris "Pepper" Peplinski with Anita Ansamaa and Kelly Perras. Tickets only $30 each. Get yours today at


As is (tel quel)

Le Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Canada

Vous êtes ici. Au sous-sol sombre et surchargé de l’Armée du Rachat, un centre de tri communautaire. Saturnin, étudiant en philosophie et intellectuel en devenir, vient d’y être embauché comme trieur de « cossins ». Dépaysé par cette microsociété aux règles tacites et aux rapports de domination oppressants, il veut changer les choses et dénoncer les injustices. Cette « anticomédie musicale » ludique et incisive aux personnages hauts en couleur met en lumière le délire de consommation et de gaspillage propre à notre ère et la complexité de la notion de charité. Texte : Simon Boudreault // Mise en scène : Hélène Dallaire // Avec des comédiens amateurs de la région Producteur : Le Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario Samedi 26 janvier 2018 : L'heure du conte et du brico sera offert pendant la représentation de 14h. *** You are here. In the dimly-lit, overstuffed basement of a community thrift shop. The newly hired store clerk is a philosophy student, a budding intellectual. In this microcosm of society with its unspoken rules and oppressive power relationships, he chafes against injustice and wants change. With a cast of colourful and comical characters, this production turns musical comedy on its head as it bitingly tackles the folly of overconsumption, the dark undertones of charity and the troubled spirit of our times. Producer : Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario Playwright: Simon Boudreault // Director: Hélène Dallaire