Sudbury Performance Group – Godspell

Collège Boréal 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Godspell was the first major musical theatre offering from three-time Grammy and Academy Award winner, Stephen Schwartz (Wicked, Pippin, Children of Eden), and it took the world by storm. Led by the international hit, "Day by Day," Godspell features a parade of beloved songs, including "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord," "Learn Your Lessons Well," "All for the Best," "All Good Gifts," "Turn Back, O Man" and "By My Side." A small group of people help Jesus Christ tell different parables by using a wide variety of games, storytelling techniques and hefty doses of comic timing. An eclectic blend of songs, ranging in style from pop to vaudeville, is employed as the story of Jesus' life dances across the stage. Dissolving hauntingly into the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, Jesus' messages of kindness, tolerance and love come vibrantly to life. Boasting a score with chart topping songs, a book by a visionary playwright (John-Michael Tebelak) and a feature film, Godspell is a sensation that continues to touch audiences. Because of its small technical demands and minimal cast size, it has become a staple of theatre companies, large and small.


NGDC 2019

Dynamic Earth 122 Big Nickel Mine Drive, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Welcome competitors... To the 2019 incarnation of the Northern Game Design Challenge! Some said it would never happen. But here we are, running into our 4th year. Whether you're an experienced Veteran or a rabid newcomer, we welcome you to this year's event. EVENT INFO: The Northern Game Design Challenge is a 48 hour competition where teams of up to 4 compete to make the best possible video game within a theme that we provide. Entrance is free, and all meals are provided! So regardless of if you're a musician, a programmer or an artist, this is a weekend of creativity and connections. TO SIGN UP: Visit our website at

Frost Weekend: Winter Carnival

Laurentian University 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Canada

Winter Carnival at Laurentian! Saturday January 19th, from 12pm to 4pm. Free for both SGA/AGÉ and AEF member! More details to come!

As is (tel quel)

Le Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Canada

Vous êtes ici. Au sous-sol sombre et surchargé de l’Armée du Rachat, un centre de tri communautaire. Saturnin, étudiant en philosophie et intellectuel en devenir, vient d’y être embauché comme trieur de « cossins ». Dépaysé par cette microsociété aux règles tacites et aux rapports de domination oppressants, il veut changer les choses et dénoncer les injustices. Cette « anticomédie musicale » ludique et incisive aux personnages hauts en couleur met en lumière le délire de consommation et de gaspillage propre à notre ère et la complexité de la notion de charité. Texte : Simon Boudreault // Mise en scène : Hélène Dallaire // Avec des comédiens amateurs de la région Producteur : Le Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario Samedi 26 janvier 2018 : L'heure du conte et du brico sera offert pendant la représentation de 14h. *** You are here. In the dimly-lit, overstuffed basement of a community thrift shop. The newly hired store clerk is a philosophy student, a budding intellectual. In this microcosm of society with its unspoken rules and oppressive power relationships, he chafes against injustice and wants change. With a cast of colourful and comical characters, this production turns musical comedy on its head as it bitingly tackles the folly of overconsumption, the dark undertones of charity and the troubled spirit of our times. Producer : Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario Playwright: Simon Boudreault // Director: Hélène Dallaire

Porketta Bingo

Beef and Bird 923 Lorne Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Famous Porketta Bingo, every Saturday from October to the following April. Our doors open at 11 a.m., first game starts at 3 p.m. Sorry we can't take reservations, first come, first served. We'd love to see you!

Decadence and Drink – an evening with Ultimately Chocolate

Ristorante Verdicchio 1351 Kelly Lake Road, Sudbury, Sudbury, Canada

Our monthly special event series returns in 2019 with an evening of chocolate, wine and fine drink. We are thrilled to welcome award winning chocolatier Lisabeth Flanagan from Ultimately Chocolate in Gore Bay. Last month she won gold for the best milk chocolate bar at the Northwest Chocolate Festival in Seattle, Washington! We will use her bean-to-bar craft chocolate in four sweet and savoury appetizers and compliment them with a tasting of wine and fine drink. This is a cocktail style party with food and drink stations. Tickets are $50 each (plus tax) and limited. Call 705-523-2794. A menu featuring small plates will also be available at an additional cost.


Frost Weekend: Skating on Ramsey Skate Path

Ramsey Lake

Skating on the Ramsey Skate Path! Sunday January 20th, from 12 pm to 2 pm Free bussing provided for both SGA/AGÉ and AEF members! *Weather dependent event might require relocation to Queen's Athletic Field. Bus Schedule for event: 11:45 Depart from School of Architecture -> Bell Park 12:00 Depart from Bell Park -> Laurentian 12:15 Depart from Laurentian -> Bell Park 12:30 Depart from Bell Park -> School of Architecture 12:45 Depart from School of Architecture -> Bell Park 1:00 Depart from Bell Park -> Laurentian 1:15 Depart from Laurentian -> Bell Park 1:30 Depart from Bell Park -> School of Architecture 1:45 Depart from School of Architecture -> Bell Park 2:00 Depart from Bell Park-> Laurentian 2:15 Depart from Laurentian ->Bell Park 2:30 Depart from Bell Park (If need be) -> Laurentian

Zine Making Drop-in

Art Gallery of Sudbury 251 John Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Drop into our studio for some hands-on zine making. We'll have tones of materials here, but feel free to bring your own. Come with an idea in mind or come seeking inspiration. The studio will be open every Monday from January 14th to February 4th from 4 to 6pm for any aspiring or veteran zinsters and everyone in between. The event is free/ pay-what-you-can. Contact the Alexie at the gallery for more info, (705) 675-4871 x.225 or What's a zine? A zine is usually a non-commercial, non professional publication, kind of like a magazine but smaller. Zines are out there to add other, often unheard voices into the mix and are a great way for creators to put their work out into the world, or an intimate way to organize thoughts and feelings in a creative way. ____ Venez au studio a la Galerie d'art de Sudbury pour créez de zines. Nous aurons beaucoup de materiaux ici, mais sentez vous libre d'emmenez vos propres. Venez avec un idea en tête ou venez chercher de l'inspiration. Le studio aura les porte ouvertes chaque lundi du 14 janvier au 4 février de 16h at 18h pour tous ceux qui veulent esseiller leur mains a la fabrication d'un zine. Que vous soyez débutant our un expert des zine, ou n'importe où au milieu, tous sont invités! Cette évènement est gratuit, les donation son accepter. Pour plus d'information contactez Alexie a la gallery au (705) 675-4871 poste 225 ou par courriel a Qu'est ce qu'un zine? Un zine est habituallement une publication non-commercial, non-proffesionelle, comme une magazine, mais plus petit. Les zines circule pour ajouter au public la voix de ceux qui ne sont souvent pas entendue, et est une excellent façon pour les artistes de metre leurs oeuvres dans le public,...

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How to Start a Catering Business

228 Pine Street

Is this the year you become a caterer? Whether you are already working in hospitality and want to start offering catering services - or you have always dreamed of sharing your cooking talents with the world - this session will give you the real, behind-the-scenes truth on what's it like to run a catering business and the steps needed to start one of your own. Sample menus and pricing, templates and tip sheets included for each attendee. Light snacks and beverages are provided. $49 + HST Instructor: Stephanie Piché Dining & Travel Expert at Podcast Host & Producer of "Flying For Flavour"
