Burger Wars in support of NEO Kids Foundation!

During the month of August, we have invited restaurants/cafés in Greater Sudbury to participate in a burger frenzy to battle for the title of ‘Best Burger’ in town, while raising funds for NEO Kids Foundation! How it works- Burger lovers will visit as many of the participating restaurants as possible in August and vote for their favourite burger on our website www.sudburyburgerwars.com For every burger sold at each location, $1 will be donated to NEO Kids Foundation to help keep our children closer to home. NEO Kids Foundation raises funds to purchase vital pieces of equipment, conduct life-changing research, and increase awareness for children’s health needs in Northeastern Ontario. #burgerwars #neokidsfoundation

James and the Giant Peach

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

From the composers of The Greatest Showman, La La Land and Dear Evan Hansen comes this incredibly moving and heart-pounding rendition of one of Roald Dahl’s fantastic tale of a boy, his insect friends and their amazing journey across the ocean on a giant piece of fruit! When James is sent by his conniving aunts to chop down their old fruit tree, he discovers a magic potion that results in a tremendous peach... and launches a journey of enormous proportions. Suddenly, James finds himself in the center of the gigantic peach, among human-sized insects with equally oversized personalities, but after it falls from the tree and rolls into the ocean, the group faces hunger, sharks and plenty of disagreements. Thanks to James' quick wit and creative thinking, the residents learn to live and work together as a family. The dangerous voyage is a success, but the adventure takes a whole new twist once they land on the Empire State Building.

Sarah Beatty / Dana Sipos at The Townehouse – Dinner & Show

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Thurs, Aug 15 - Townehouse Tavern - Sudbury, ON "Dinner & Show" - 5:30PM-8:00PM SARAH BEATTY w/ Dana Sipos No Cover -- SARAH BEATTY With a voice that skips and soars, Hamilton, ON based Sarah Beatty is one hard artist to pin down. Writing and singing about life along white pine northern shorelines and post-industrial gentrifying geographies, this is no flash in the pan, pomp-and-circumstance-snake-oil-side-show experience. Consumable by firelight, hers is a show and tell for the perpetually curious and equally incredulous. Calling up confrontational connections, a spoonful of honey sweet syrup is all that accompanies the idiosyncratic insights, hard won sentiments, and possible sage advice she’s been working into song ever since her grandpa’s funeral in 2001. Her debut solo record Black Gramophone came 11 years later after a sinuous path through various musical collaborations, as did the Hamilton Music Award nomination and Top 10 roots charting that followed. Now, with Bandit Queen and a healthy dose of self-reflected energy, fact, fable, fiction, folklore and make-you-wanna-move-grooves get soaked in oak and subterranean landscapes. Stones get turned over. Answers get questioned. And more gets revealed... www.sarahbeatty.ca www.twitter.com/sarahbeattyca www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKwEuCWIQVvUn6kybF3GOQ www.facebook.com/sarahbeatty.ca -- DANA SIPOS Dana Sipos is a songwriter's songwriter and her hypnotic, nuanced songs are filled with a wild wind. She tours extensively, occasionally by bicycle, tall ship, canoe and train. Her last album garnered her a Canadian Folk Music Award Nod in the Pushing the Boundaries category. A stunning follow-up, Trick of the Light, featuring a stellar cast of Canadian musicians including Mary Margaret O'Hara, released on Toronto's Roaring Girl Records in spring 2018 to critical acclaim. www.danasipos.com www.twitter.com/DanaSuppose www.instagram.com/dana_sipos www.facebook.com/dana.suppose

Up Here 5

ESG (legendary no-wave group from the Bronx!) Snotty Nose Rez Kids (Skoden!) Milk & Bone (electro pop duo from Montreal!) Hubert Lenoir (your "French-Canadian nightmare!) Yonatan Gat (w/ members of the Eastern Medicine Signers!) Charlotte Cardin (r&b powerhouse!) Reykjavíkurdætur (Islandic female hip-hop collective!) Ric Wilson (Chicago's disco-rap superstar!) Cartel Madras, Steven Lambke, Naya Ali, Camilla Sparksss, Xarah Dion, Police des moeurs, Pale Lips, Art d'Ecco! + murals still to be announced! + art installations still to be announced! + a bunch more locals still to be announced! EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED Up Here is an urban art and emerging music festival in weird and wonderful Sudbury, Ontario designed for curious minds. Early Bird Passports on sale until midnight on April 30th for only $90. Regular passports go on sale on May 1. uphere.com/passports 🔵🔺🔶💚 ESG (groupe légendaire no-wave du Bronx!) Snotty Nose Rez Kids (Skoden!) Milk & Bone (duo électro-pop de Montréal!) Hubert Lenoir (votre cauchemar québecois!) Yonatan Gat (avec des membres des Eastern Medicine Signers!) Charlotte Cardin (la bombe du r&b!) Reykjavíkurdætur (collectif hiphop féminin de l'Icelande!) Ric Wilson (la superstar disco-rap de Chicago!) Cartel Madras, Steven Lambke, Naya Ali, Camilla Sparksss, Xarah Dion, Police des moeurs, Pale Lips, Art d'Ecco! + murales! + installations d'art! + une trollée d'autres artistes locaux à venir! ATTENDEZ-VOUS À L'INATTENDU Up Here est un festival d'art urbain et de musique émergente dans l'étrange ville de Sudbury, Ontario créé pour les curieux d'esprit. Les passeports Early Bird sont encore en vente pour seulement 90$ jusqu'à minuit le 30 avril. Le passeports réguliers vont en vente le 1er mai. uphere.com/passeports

UP HERE: Snotty Nose Rez Kids / Reykjavíkurdætur / Ric Wilson

The Grand 23 Elgin Street, Sudbury

Up Here 5 kicks off with a nice big hip-hop show featuring Haisla Nation's Snotty Nose Rez Kids, Iceland's Reykjavíkurdætur and Chicago's Ric Wilson. Presented by Downtown Sudbury. SNOTTY NOSE REZ KIDS Snotty Nose Rez Kids are the combined talents of Yung Trybez and Young D, hailing from the West Coast Haisla Nation, “The People of the Snow.” They blend trap beats with woven lyricism into thought-provoking club bangers that challenge Indigenous stereotypes. Audiences dance, sweat, and leave energized with new knowledge. The group is behind the song Skoden that inflamed social media in 2017. They’re bringing the fresh energy and new sound from their new album TRAPLINE to this year’s festival. REYKJAVÍKURDÆTUR Reykjavíkurdætur is an irresistibly radical, all-women hip-hop collective from Iceland united by their love of hip-hop and the urge to rebel against the conservative misogynistic values of modern society. They have made a huge impact on the music scene in Iceland since they first appeared in 2013. Now they’re taking the world: tearing down walls and plowing the way for future generations. P.S. It’s pronounced Rik-Kia-Vik-Kur-Die-Tur. RIC WILSON Ric Wilson is Chicago's nouveau disco inspired rap superstar. Activist, community goofball and prolific composer, the 23-year-old electrified motivational funka hop pop poet has a whole lot to prove to the world. TICKETS / All-Ages 30$ advance / 35$ at the door Free for children 12 and under. uphere.com/tickets UP HERE Up Here is an urban art & emerging music festival in weird and wonderful downtown Sudbury that takes place from August 16-18, 2019. Follow Up Here festival. RSVP Up Here 5. 🔵🔺🔶💚 On lance Up Here 5 avec un beau gros show hip-hop avec Snotty Nose Rez Kids de la nation Haisla, Reykjavíkurdætur de l'Islande et Ric Wilson de Chicago. Présenté par Downtown Sudbury. SNOTTY NOSE REZ KIDS...

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Darsombra / Mebus at The Asylum

The Asylum Sudbury 19 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Darsombra Mebus @ The Asylum more info soon!

UP HERE: Simply Saucer / Art d’Ecco

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Legendary proto-punk psychedelia band Simply Saucer make a highly anticipated stop in Sudbury! Presented by Stack Brewing. SIMPLY SAUCER Simply Saucer were formed on the hardscrabble streets of Hamilton, Ontario, these sci-fried proto-punks produced a hybrid of proto-punk and psychedelia in the mid-’70s. Hardly noticed outside of their hometown at the time, their album Cyborg’s Revisited (described as an “explosive time capsule”) was rediscovered and rereleased in 1989 and now they’re touring regularly and recording with a hopeful eye to the future. ART D'ECCO Art d'Ecco is a product of the Gulf Islands of the Pacific Northwest and is a multitude: an unapologetic, inclusive rock and roll mystic in a wig and lipstick. The fluidity that d’Ecco embraces had its day in the sun with glam rock’s celebration of androgyny, but the mainstream in 2019 can be painfully lacking in beyond-the-binary experiences. d’Ecco wants to change that (and says “it might make some people uncomfortable!”) TICKETS / 19 + 15$ advance / 20$ at the door Free for children 12 and under. uphere.com/tickets 🔵🔺🔶💚 SIMPLY SAUCER Simply Saucer est un groupe formé dans les rues dures de Hamilton, en Ontario. Au milieu des années 70, ces proto-punks à la sci-fried produisent une oeuvre hybride de proto-punk et de psychédélisme. À peine remarqué au début, leur album Cyborg’s Revisited sera plus tard décrit comme une capsule explosive et sera redécouvert puis réédité en 1989. Aujourd’hui, ils se partent en tournée et enregistrent avec un regard optimiste sur l’avenir. ART D'ECCO Sans compromis, Art d'Ecco est un mystique rock’n’roll inclusif arborant fièrement une perruque et du rouge à lèvres. La fluidité des genres qu’embrasse Art d’Ecco était au sommet de sa forme lors de l’époque du glam rock et de la célébration de l’androgynéité des années ‘70, mais n'occupe plus la même...

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Mudmoiselle Sudbury

Adanac Ski Hill

A Mudmoiselle faces every day with fierce optimism. She’s not afraid to get her hands dirty (scratch that, she’s not afraid to get anything dirty). And she believes that obstacles only make her stronger. But most importantly, a Mudmoiselle wants to drag cancer through the mud. If that sounds like you, then swap your heels for runners, change your push-up bra for a sports bra, and chuck your pantyhose out the window. Whether you’re a survivor or want to support a fighter, it’s time to join your fellow Mudmoiselles in raising funds for Canada's most promising cancer research and vital cancer support services. Because when life gets messy, we stick together.

Downtown Sudbury Art Crawl in partnership with Up Here Festival

Saturday, August 17, 11am-4pm Downtown Sudbury Art Crawl in partnership with Up Here Festival Urban Art + Music Festival and Downtown Sudbury & Sudbury Art Council // Conseil des art de Sudbury in and around Downtown Sudbury Free admission (additional workshops, activities etc. may have a fee set by the venues but all welcome to view, peruse). Pop Up! Music performances at many of the venues. ABOUT THE ART CRAWL: The Downtown Sudbury Art Crawl (DSAC) is a grassroots, pedestrian-friendly cultural experience for the city of Greater Sudbury in and around the downtown core. DSAC features artists at venues such as art galleries, artist studios, businesses and organizations. DSAC celebrates visual and other art forms including literary and musical arts. We seek to create opportunities for artists to exhibit, sell, exchange ideas and to raise awareness about their creative processes. www.facebook.com/downtownsudburyartcrawl The Downtown Sudbury Art Crawl would like to acknowledge financial support by the Greater City of Sudbury, Downtown Sudbury as well as its participating venues. Thank you to our partners, participating venues, and to the artists for your energy and commitment in highlighting the importance of visual art and other art forms in Greater Sudbury. photo: Christy Smith, Plein Air artist presented her work at Victoria's Custom Framing & Stitchery on Sat June 1 (credit: Leesa Bringas)

UP HERE: Cartel Madras / Naya Ali

Zigs Bar 54 Elgin, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

CARTEL MADRAS Cartel Madras is a Calgary-based hip-hop sensation shaking things up across the country. Hailing from South India, sisters Contra and Eboshi explore sexuality, identity, freedom, race, colour and gender through their catchy, provocative tunes. NAYA ALI Ethiopian-born and Montréal-based rapper Naya Ali burst onto the Québec hip-hop scene like a breath of fresh air two short years ago. Spitting gritty rap then switching it up, her flow, depth and delivery promise versatility in a uniquely hard-hitting and melodic way. Her entry into the game is sure to make a mark. TICKETS / 19 + 15$ advance / 20$ at the door uphere.com/tickets UP HERE Up Here is an urban art & emerging music festival in weird and wonderful downtown Sudbury that takes place from August 16-18, 2019. Follow Up Here festival. RSVP Up Here 5. 🔵🔺🔶💚 CARTEL MADRAS Cartel Madras est une sensation hip-hop basée à Calgary. En provenance du sud de l'Inde, les soeurs Contra et Eboshi sont des rappeuses saluées. Elles développent divers récits entourant les femmes de couleur et les livrent de manière explosive et captivante. Sexualité, identité, liberté, race, couleur et genre sont des thèmes récurrents à explorer à travers leur musique. NAYA ALI Rappeuse d’origine éthiopienne établie à Montréal, Naya Ali arrive comme un vent de fraîcheur sur la scène hip-hop québécoise. Dotée d’une personnalité flamboyante et d’un flow sans pareil, Naya Ali est capable de nous transporter d’un univers cinglant à un monde parfois sombre, parfois plus tranquille, mais toujours sans compromis. BILLETS / 19 + 15$ à l'avance / 20$ à la porte. uphere.com/tickets UP HERE Up Here est un festival d'art urbain et de musique émergente qui se passe du 16-18 août 2019 dans l'étrange ville de Sudbury, Ontario. Suivez Up Here festival. RSVP Up Here 5.
