Jazz Sudbury Festival 2019

Grace Hartman Amphitheatre 900 Paris Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Jazz Sudbury Festival 2019 will be taking place from September 4-8 on the beautiful shores of Ramsey Lake and at multiple venues throughout the downtown core. Early Bird Tickets ($70) are on sale NOW! Get them at A & J Home Hardware, La Fromagerie, and Jett-Landry Music online at http://bit.ly/JazzEarlyBird. Want to be a volunteer or a vendor? Email us at info@jazzsudbury.ca As Northern Ontario's only live jazz festival, we have many accomplishments to celebrate. Named one of the top 100 festivals in Ontario by Festivals and Events Ontario in 2017, Jazz Sudbury strives to present the diverse and colourful music of live jazz. Jazz Sudbury is thrilled to spill the teaser news on our 2019 festival lineup. Two headliners have been confirmed and we can tell you that Rebecca Noelle and Robi Botos will be lighting the stage ablaze this September! Rebecca has been blessed with a searing three-octave range, but it’s her natural affinity for soul that has set this stunning singer apart. Robi has been hailed as one of the most diverse multi-instrumentalists of this generation and has been likened to one of his idols, Oscar Peterson while showcasing a musical expression that is purely his own. Stay tuned, the full lineup will be announced June 20th, 2019! Contact: 705-673-7770 info@jazzsudbury.com 96 Larch St. Suite 200, Sudbury Find us on: Facebook - facebook.com/jazzsudbury Instagram - instagram.com/jazzsudbury Twitter - twitter.com/jazzsudbury

Departure: An Exhibit by Martin Kotyluk

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

DEPARTURE: "In the last year. I have explored, created, and have challenged myself. I have opened the door to new thinking. It began with a six day canoe trip Grace and Nellie Lake in Killarney. My inspiration cam from painting on the Rock that Franklin Carmichael made famous over looking Grace Lake, and seeing Lawren Harris' abstract painting at McMichael Art Gallery. I also visited the site where Tom Thomson's cabin was on Canoe Lake in Algonquin Park. At this exhibit, you will witness two sides of my art. Landscapes and wildlife, with the addition of my newest explorations in Geometric and Pop Art." ~Martin Kotyluk Kotyluk grew up in Northern Ontario, and always had an interest in the arts from an early age. In high school, Kotyluk attended the arts program at Sudbury Secondary School. His early works were chosen to be displayed at the Sudbury Art Gallery and Science North. Later on, Kotyluk began work for CP Rail which involved travelling across the northern shorelines of Lake Superior. He was in absolute awe of the immense diversity in front of him. This experience inspired him to explore painting wildlife and landscapes in acrylic. For Kotyluk, art has always been a form of relaxation and meditation. He takes hundreds of photos on his long hike and canoe trips across Northern Ontario, to find the right theme or subject to put on the canvas. He’s inspired by the works of A. Y. Jackson and Tom Thomson: vivid, colourful, and dramatic. Kotyluk also enjoys detailed and textured works, along with realism. He’s been a member of the Sudbury Art Club since 2011, and has participated in several art shows, including The La Cloche Art Show and the Northern Ontario Art Association Annual Juried Exhibition. Kotyluk hopes to continue learning and discovering...

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Country Night – 44th Annual Valley East Days!

Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre 5085 Old Hwy 69, Hanmer, Ontario, Canada

Get your tickets before August 16th and take advantage of early bird pricing for Valley East Days. Tickets only $40 for Country Night or $60 for Weekend pass. After the 16th tickets are $50 per night or $75 for the weekend. Purchase your tickets now at both Cousin Vinny's Restaurant & Bar Locations! Blackjack Billy will be headlining Country Night at the 44th Annual Valley East Days! on Friday, September 6th! Joining them on stage will be Sudbury's own Larry Berrio, and Alan Jackson & Garth Brooks Tributes! Proudly sponsored and presented by Sudbury's Pure Country & Cousin Vinny's Restaurant & Bar!

Borgore At The Grand

The Grand 23 Elgin Street, Sudbury

BadHabits Entertainment Presents: BORGORE http://soundcloud.com/borgore http://instagram.com/borgore http://spoti.fi/109gf1V Supporting set by: TBA TICKETS NOW ON SALE! Early Bird-SOLD OUT ! GA Tier 1 - $30 %90 SOLD OUT Ga Tier 2 - $35 Door -TBA Hard copies Chase - All of Sudbury (705) 561-5921 Travis - All of Sudbury (705) 561-5870 Doors | 10pm | 19+ Valid I.D


The Sudbury Five: Back to School Skill Development Camp

Sudbury Community Arena 240 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

On Saturday, September 7th at College Boreal come and join the Sudbury Five with our Back to School Skill Development Camp! Don’t miss out on the Sudbury Five’s first event of the 2019-2020 season! The Back to School Camp will include 3 hours of skill development training per age group. The camp will have a strong focus on developing passing, shooting and dribbling skills taught through professional instruction from Sudbury Five Coaching Staff, Head Coach Logan Stutz, and professional players. Register before Friday, August 16th to receive our Early Bird Price, $65 + HST. After, August 16th fees will increase to $75 + HST. https://thefive.ca/product/back-to-school-skill-development-camp/


13th Annual Anderson Farm Fall Fair

Anderson Farm 550 Regional Road 24, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Lively's wonderful Annual Fall Fair hosted by the Anderson Farm Museum Heritage Society. Tons of fun things to do with the family. Vendors: please send your requests to afmhsinc@gmail.com

The Art and Skill of Play

Myoga 2037 Long Lake Road, Unit 12, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join Kartina Marie and Evan Jolicoeur for the Art and Skill of Play You will explore: Saying what you want Saying yes Saying no Changing your mind Listening to the other person as they do the same Incorporating and proposing things Being able to generate desire from a creative place rather than repetition/regurgitation (2nd chakra what up?!) Somatic work = learning to let your body be your guiding compass, Learn to honouring the wisdom of self while being mindful of others. Radical transparency for ultimate responsibility. Experientially learn boundary making, renegotiation, and non-violent communication Tools to create more realness, vulnerability, and intimacy in any and all relationships (and therefore a whole lot more confidence. More space to play. Less need to grip/control.) Participants will need to wear comfortable clothes, water bottle, pen and journal Both singles and couples are welcome This is a workshop about play and intimacy, it is not sexual in nature, it is a clothes on, safe space for all people to explore curiosity, vulnerability, and self expression inside community It is a co-created experience by the people who show up

Sudbury Pop-Up Wedding Dress Sale

Holiday Inn 1696 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

1 Day only pop up Bridal Sale selling only New Wedding Dresses and accessories (veils, belts, tiaras etc) for the bride. Up to 90% off the MSRP. Over 500+ Designer Wedding Gowns from size 2-28. All priced between $199 - $999. ADMISSION IS ALWAYS FREE, NO APPOINTMENT OR TICKETS NECESSARY Show runs from 9am - 4pm with last admittance at 2:30pm All sales are final, no returns or exchanges http://www.opportunitybridal.com/

Mindfulness Workshop

Two Souls Yoga 469 Bouchard Street Suite 229, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Mindfulness is a skill that is used for many aspects of our lives and teaches us to be engaged with the present moment in all that comes our way. In this 4-week group participants will be introduced to different mindfulness practices that help to surf the wave of overwhelming emotions. The group will learn how mindfulness can help to regulate emotions and positively influence neural connections in the brain. Each session will incorporate opportunities to learn … discuss …and practice mindfulness. Participants will leave this 4-weeks series with information and concrete tools to develop greater emotional stability in their daily lives. Dates: Sept 8, 15, 22, 29, 2019 Time: 2:30pm – 4pm Cost: $100.00


World Suicide Prevention Day

Bell Park Sudbury, Canada

(La version française se trouve ci-dessous) Community Butterfly Release, BBQ and Concert in the Park! World Suicide Prevention Day is an opportunity for everyone in the community – those with lived experience of suicide attempts or loss, the general public, charitable organizations, community partners, researchers, clinicians, practitioners, politicians and policy makers, advocates, volunteers, and interested groups and citizens – to join together to promote understanding about suicide and highlight effective prevention activities. The Suicide Safer Network is hosting Sudbury and surrounding districts annual World Suicide Prevention event at Bell Park. Join us and learn about the resources and materials available to you to help spread the word about suicide prevention, life promotion, and working together to prevent suicide. Additional details to follow. -------------- Envolée de papillons, BBQ et concert communautaires dans le parc! La Journée mondiale de la prévention du suicide sert d’occasion à tous les membres de la communauté – les personnes ayant vécu une tentative de suicide ou une perte liée au suicide, les membres du grand public, les représentants d’organismes caritatifs, les chercheurs, les cliniciens, les praticiens, les politiciens, les stratèges, les défenseurs d’intérêts, les membres de groupes intéressés et les citoyens – de se rassembler afin de favoriser une meilleure compréhension du suicide et de souligner des activités de prévention efficaces. Le Réseau de sensibilisation en matière de suicide organise les événements annuels de la Journée mondiale de la prévention du suicide pour la région de Sudbury et des districts environnants. Le tout se déroulera au parc Bell. Venez en apprendre sur les ressources et le matériel qui s’offrent à vous pour vous permettre de passer le mot sur la prévention du suicide, la promotion de la vie et la collaboration. Des détails supplémentaires sont à suivre.