Terror Train 6077 – Sellwood Asylum

Northern Ontario Railroad Museum and Heritage Centre 26 Bloor Street, Capreol, Ontario, Canada

A spirit lingers. The echoes of community haunt the remains. Boarded up, there's a pervasive "wrongness" to this once vibrant place. Buildings slump into debris. We know that someone once called this Town home. People lived, laughed, and loved in those ruins, fought and cried behind those walls. No Town better fits the above than SELLWOOD. Enter the Terror Train 6077 - Sellwood Asylum. The 8th annual Terror Train is sure to ignite the senses as live trains rumble alongside the haunt at the Northern Ontario Railroad Museum in Capreol. The Terror Train opens on Sat. September 28 and runs on Friday to Sunday schedule until October 27 from 7pm to 10pm. We will reopen on October 30 with special Halloween Eve programming. During the haunt, there will be themed nights and additional valued added programming included with admission. The Terror Train is recommended for those ages 13 and older. General admission tickets are $13 each and can be purchased in person or online at www.normhc.ca. This is an outdoor attraction, so please dress accordingly. In the event of rain, advance tickets will be honoured for another event. Please call 705-858-5050 for more information.


Witches Walk Pre-Party!

Zen Fitness 158 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

WITCHES UNITE! Get the party started early at Zen Fitness before riding your broom through downtown. You'll be in good company while we get into the spirit and costumes of the evening. Here you'll have a chance to change into your witch's best and enjoy some Witches Brew.

2019 Downtown Sudbury Witches Walk

Double Double, toiletries and trouble! It’s time to dust off those brooms and cast a spell in support of the Sudbury Women’s Centre for the first Downtown Sudbury Witches Walk. Dress in your witch’s best and take an evening tour through downtown… have a bite to eat, grab a drink and even find some sweet new Muggle clothes. This event is free to attend, but we ask all participants make a small donation of personal care products (shampoo, soap, other toiletries) for the Sudbury Women’s Centre. This is an inclusive event, so Wizards and other magical creatures are all welcome to attend ;)

The Science of Happiness

Sudbury Secondary School 85 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Meik Wiking is a New York Times Best Selling Author & the CEO of the think tank the The Happiness Research Institute in Denmark, which focuses on well-being, happiness, and quality of life. His presentation brought to you by the University of Sudbury will cover why the Nordic countries often top the world happiness reports, how we can convert wealth into well-being and how you can measure this thing called happiness. All are welcome! Thursday, October 24th, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m. Sudbury Secondary School, Sheridan Auditorium MORE INFO: https://usudbury.ca/en/news/event-the-science-of-happiness ********** Meik Wiking est l'auteur de best-sellers du The New York Times, et PDG du Happiness Research Institute (Institut de recherche sur le bonheur) au Danemark, qui mise sur le bien-être, le bonheur et la qualité de vie. Cette présentation offerte par l’Université de Sudbury nous aidera à comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles les pays nordiques figurent au haut des rapports mondiaux sur le bonheur, comment nous pouvons convertir la richesse en bien-être, et comment nous pouvons mesurer le bonheur. Tous sont les bienvenus! Le jeudi 24 octobre 2019 @ 19 h Endroit : Sheridan Auditorium, Sudbury Secondary School NOTE: Cette présentation se déroulera en anglais seulement. PLUS D'INFO: https://usudbury.ca/fr/nouvelles/evenement-the-science-of-happiness

Masquerade Ball

Dynamic Earth 122 Big Nickel Mine Drive, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Suit up and dress to impress! The masquerade ball is the perfect way to get in the Halloween spirit. Leave the monster mash behind with an expert led ballroom dance lesson and carve out some fun with the turnip of terror. No mask? No problem. We’ve got you covered. This event includes live music, cash bar, devilishly delicious apps and a pumpkin promenade. Join us for a spectacularly spooky evening. General Public: $80 Members save 10%


Ghost Walking Tour

Back by popular demand for another year of haunting: Take a guided walking tour through Downtown Sudbury’s spookiest locations and relive their stories! Our tour includes: - the Castonguay murders - stories about the old underground tunnels - haunted theatre - unsolved murders - ghost sightings - the last Sudbury hanging and more! SCARE METER: 2 out of 5 (all ages welcome) DURATION: 1 hour DEPARTURE: 43 Elm Street at DIY Craftery & Lounge WHAT TO BRING: Good walking shoes The walk runs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday in October at 7pm and 8pm. ONLINE TICKETS ON SALE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28TH kceventsandpromotions.com ____________________________________________________________ PARKING: Street parking is available for FREE after 6pm as well as city lots. The walk was planned in part using excerpts from the book Haunted Sudbury by local author Sarah May. ___________________________________________________________________ Brought to you by KC Events and Promotions.

25th Anniversary Party

Ristorante Verdicchio 1351 Kelly Lake Road, Sudbury, Sudbury, Canada

It's our silver anniversary! Twenty-five years have passed since we opened our doors in this west end industrial park. Did you know we were a simple lunch joint, serving fresh panini and pasta, before we established ourselves as a fine dining restaurant? Take a trip down memory lane with us as we honour our roots and pay tribute to the classic dishes, wines and music of yesterday. We are thrilled to welcome back Aaron Caruso, a multi-talented vocalist whose enthusiasm will have you singing along to the classic, folk and traditional songs of Italy. We will also feature food stations, bringing back some of the original dishes that graced our menu in the late 1990s and early 2000s. This is a cocktail-style social event. Tickets are $85 including taxes. Price includes food, wine and drink sampling. Cash bar. Call 705-523-2794 to RSVP.

Spooky Saturday at the Market

Greater Sudbury Market 233 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join us this Saturday for our last Saturday at the Elgin St location! We will have Dark Matter activities and a scavenger hunt with SNOLAB, and musical performances from Afro Madness Drum Troupe! We will also have Halloween-themed kids crafts and mini pumpkin painting! We look forward to seeing everyone before we move into our Southend location for the winter!

26 lettres à danser

Le Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Canada

Entrez dans le paysage de l’abécédaire spectaculaire! Dans ce merveilleux monde en mouvement, les lettres et les mots sont des amis qui savent danser. La grenouille hip-hop, le bonhomme-allumette fluorescent, le karatéka et tant d’autres s’élancent en tout sens sur des rythmes dramatiques et trépidants en animant l’alphabet au grand complet. Les enfants spectateurs prennent part à de dynamiques tableaux vivants qui abondent en trouvailles merveilleuses. Cet abécédaire chorégraphique et kaléidoscopique est si ravissant que même les parents applaudissent de joie. Une production : Bouge de là * * * * * * * * * * Enter a landscape of alphabetical amazement! In this marvelous world of movement, letters and words are dancing friends. The hip-hop frog, the match-stick man, the karateka and countless others spring into action as excitingly dramatic music make the entire alphabet come alive. Young spectators help to compose marvelous choreographies. This kaleidoscopic performance is so amazingly inventive that even parents spring to their feet to applaud with glee. A Production From: Bouge de là

Relax- Floating Sound Therapy

Two Souls Yoga 469 Bouchard Street Suite 229, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Floating in Sound...embracing the feelings of your body in Savasana, hugged tightly in an Aerial Silk, as the vibrations of sound move through your entire body. Sound therapy healing meditation is the process in which we use different aspects of sound through music, singing bowls, bells, chimes and more. This will affect the person on many levels including their emotional and spiritual state to improve their overall well-being as a whole. Sound healing therapy improves many facets of a person’s life, including emotional and social functioning, cognitive and motor functioning, and mental health. Almost everything we experience in the universe is simply our perception of waves. When sound waves reach our ears, they are converted into electrical signals that travel up the auditory nerve into the auditory cortex, the part of the brain that processes sound. Once sound waves reach our brains, they trigger responses in our bodies. This process alters our emotions, releases hormones and chemicals that affect both our bodies and our moods, and trigger certain impulses. During this process we will set the body into a meditative state of stillness allowing the frequency of sound vibrations to linger and travel through the room into our minds and bodies to experience a deeper sense of consciousness. This workshop combines the amazing sensations of floating in an Aerial Silk, with the beauty of our Sound Therapy Workshop. Join us for an evening where we bathe our bodies in the power of sound and how it can affect our mind, body and soul leaving us in a state of calm and peace like nothing else you have experienced. Cost: $50 + HST Time: 7pm-8:30pm
