The Durham Social 82 Durham Street, Sudbury, Canada

HOST: ASHLEY MOFFATT FEATURING: TED MORRIS, ANDREW JOHNSTON, ADRIENNE FISH AND SHAWN HITCHINS Fruit Punch! will be a hilarious evening of celebration as we present some of the funniest LGBT comedians to ever come out of the closet. We take Pride in our amazing LGBT community and wanted to deliver a hilarious and inclusive comedy showcase. Your identity or orientation doesn’t matter here – you’ll LOVE this show if you like to LAUGH!


The Princess Ball Sudbury

Caruso Club 385 Haig Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join us for the 3rd Annaul Mommy & Me Princess Ball! A magical afternoon filled with princesses, Songs, Dance and Laughter.

Taste St. – Beach Party

Caruso Club 385 Haig Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join us at the Caruso Club March 31st and let us transport you to a beach party! All proceeds to support the Simulation Lab at Health Sciences North's Learners Centre. Delight yourself with samplings of hors d'oeuvres, desserts, wines, beers, food and drinks from fantastic presenters and bid on one of a kind items in our live and silent auctions.


Live and Learn Fitness Expo

Cambrian College 1400 Barrydowne Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Learn the tools to live at your best at this unique student-run event! Sign up for fitness classes running all day, hear from community speakers, and speak to local businesses on what YOU need to succeed. Better yourself while supporting Diabetes Canada and Cambrian College Foundation for public relations scholarships! The event will take place at Cambrian College's gym and Student Life Centre. There will be volunteers to direct you. Early bird pricing: $3. Online exclusive: available until March 17 and you get a chance to reserve your spot to three fitness classes when our fitness schedule comes out! Regular admission: $6. This is a drop-in event, all classes are first come first serve. Pay online to skip the line! Cash only at the door. Free admission for children ages 12 and under. The following businesses and organizations will be joining us (alphabetical order): The Basement Fitness Be Greater Organics Inc. Beaver Lake Fitness & Yoga Studio Diabetes Canada - Sudbury Fit Nuts 4 Life Frubar Juicery GoodLife Fitness Leave The Pack Behind (Official) LU Olympic Lift Lung Disease Support Group Popeye's Supplements Sudbury South End and New Sudbury Rasmussen Fitness SudburyROCKS!!! Race, Run or Walk for Diabetes Voyageur Weightlifting/Powerlifting



Fraser Auditorium 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Lisa Lampanelli is Comedy’s Lovable Queen of Mean. Heralded as “more than a standup — a standout,” by comedy legend Jim Carrey, Lampanelli is a cross between Don Rickles, Archie Bunker, and a vial of estrogen. She has won accolades from The King of All Media Howard Stern, who called her “a true original and a brilliant comedy mind who’ll steal the show every time.” Known for saying things that most people are afraid to think, Lisa Lampanelli’s raunchy, gut-busting performances are wildly popular at theaters across the U.S. and Canada. This equal opportunity offender is a regular on late night television, and a frequent guest and guest host on Howard Stern’s Sirius XM satellite radio shows. Lisa recently shot her fifth stand-up special, Back to the Drawing Board, proving this insult comic is new, improved, and funnier than ever.


The Show I Never Gave

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

Join us for this one of a kind fundraiser performance by our General Manager, Scott Florence.This show is just in time for World Theatre Day, a worldwide celebration for those who can see the value and importance of theatre. "The Show I Never Gave" is a ridiculous exploration of the boundaries between performer, performance, and audience. Difficult to describe without spoilers, suffice to say this thought provoking show will engage and entertain you like never before. Before moving to Sudbury and joining the STC, Scott worked extensively as an artist and performer. Scott was the Artistic Director of Ottawa’s premiere Shakespeare troupe, A Company of Fools, the Artistic Managing Director of the Ottawa Lumière Festival, a co-curator of the .isme: Cabaret, the General Manager of the Canadian Improv Games, and an Associate Professor with Algonquin College Tickets are $50 and go towards supporting the STC, your home for the performing arts. Join us to experience an evening of entertainment that will leave you laughing and thinking.


Are Green Burials the way of the future?

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

Are Green Burials the way of the future? We're all going to die, and we all hope to leave a positive impact on the planet and our loved ones when we do. With impact in mind, many consumers are looking at alternative burials as a means of reducing emissions, chemicals, and energy use after the end of life. Low-cost, minimalist services and natural burials that allow the body to decompose naturally are trending, and consumers are contemplating a range of new and emerging burial options, including “liquid cremation”, freeze-drying, or growing into a tree from an organic “burial pod”. What are the benefits and the drawbacks of alternative burials? Are they really green? How widespread are they, and how legal? Is our discomfort with alternative options simply a discomfort with the fact that we, too, will one day die? Panelists: Pamela Harvey, Advanced Preplanning Director and Licensed Funeral Director, French Family Funeral Home & Cremation Centre Camille Lemieux, Professor and Coordinator, Funeral Director Programs, School of Health Sciences, Collège Boréal Sarah Walker, President, Memorial Society of Northern Ontario Moderator: Dana Murchison, Staff Scientist, Science North NEW! Pre-Registration for FREE Tickets: In an effort to improve your experience, we’ve created a ticket registration process. Click the ticket URL above to pre-register for the FREE upcoming Science Café. NOTE: Pre-registered attendees must arrive by 6:45 pm to be guaranteed entry. After 6:45 pm seats left unfilled will be given to standby attendees on a first-come, first-served basis.

Sudbury Trivia Night at The Fromo

La Fromagerie 80 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

You know the deal! 3 rounds of 15 questions, and one bonus question per round. Pages are marked a-la grade 5 math class by passing them to a friend. 8pm until ~11, teams of 2-8, --> Get there early seats fill up and we don't take reservations! $5 per person. Prizes for 1st place overall Last place over all Along with prizes for Sportsmanship, and Awesomeness! Winner takes home bragging rights and some awesome prizes are awarded throughout the night! BOARD OF AWESOME: Points scored for being awesome and promoting awesome things! Find a funny answer on someone's card, even if its not the right answer you can still nominate them for an awesome star. We also reward jokers and pranksters and all those who don't cheat!


Présentation – Stage au Nunavut

Laurentian University 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Canada

Le CNFS - UL invite les étudiant(e)s de ces programmes à participer à une présentation du RÉSÉFAN au sujet des possibilités de stages au Nunavut. Un petit-déjeuner sera servi. RSVP par le vendredi 24 mars 2017 par courriel :

Celebrity Server for Sudbury Youth Orchestra

Boston Pizza 120 Donna Drive, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Come and join us on Wednesday March 29 from 5-8 for a fundraiser for the Sudbury Youth Orchestra. Meet the musicians and have a fantastic dinner! Best part is that they will get a portion of proceeds for helping us out!