XPLR: Dog-Friendly Nature Exploration

Twin Forks 1475 Gary Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

This walk is open to all! We will take time for dogs to get to know each other and to let barking calm before setting out on a slow walk. Dog owners, kindly keep your dog on a short leash & please don't forget to scoop! Hike leader Heidi Eisenhauer has a wealth of knowledge to share and there are lots to see no matter the season. We will stop and ID things as we wish along the route from birds to native plants. *** Distance: 2.2km Speed: Relaxed - lots of short stops to admire nature's wonders and to accommodate dogs Terrain: Packed trails and paved paths. This trail can have some slippery spots if there is snow on the ground Accessibility: For those with strollers, wheels, or prefer paved trails - you may meet us at the corner of Madison & Sagebrush at 6:15pm - the trail is paved from this point forward . Frequency: bi-weeklys Meet at Twin Forks Playground parking area 10 minutes in advance. *** To RSVP, visit rainbowroutes.com/calendar

Some Other Sky by Kim Fahner, Reading and Signing

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Sudbury's Poet Laureate Kimberly Fahner reads from her newest work, "Some Other Sky"-Published by Black Moss Press.

Core Vitality Program

ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, Sudbury

Fitness for moms. My mission is to restore fitness and function to motherhood through education, assessment, and group fitness classes. We workout using exercises that are safe for new moms. Come see us before getting back into exercise. You'll thank yourself.

Maison McCulloch Hospice Annual Gala “Stammi Vicino”

Caruso Club 385 Haig Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

This evening will feature a family style plated dinner, entertainment and auctions. Cette soirée sera composée d'un repas chaud, de présentations artistiques et de ventes aux enchères. All proceeds benefit Maison McCulloch Hospice. Tous les profits de cette soirée bénéficieront la Maison de soins palliatifs de Sudbury. Tickets are $125 each or tables of 8 are available Les billets sont 125 $ chaque ou les tables de 8 sont disponibles For tickets please call Ashley at 674-9252 ext. 228 or by email to ashley@maisonsudburyhospice.org Pour acheter vos billets veuillez contacter Ashley au 674-9252 ex 228 ou par courriel à ashley@maisonsudburyhospice.org

Junction North International Documentary Film Festival

Sudbury Indie Cinema Downtown 40 Elm Street, Sudbur, Ontario, Canada

Sudbury Downtown Indie Cinema Co-op is delighted to announce our inaugural edition of Junction North International Documentary Film Festival, Thursday November 9 to Sunday November 12, at various venues in Downtown Sudbury. This is possible due to the support of Government Partners: Ontario Arts Council and The Ontario Seniors Secretariat, Major Presenting Partners: Downtown Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Public Library, Imagine Cinemas as well as our Major Media Sponsor CBC Radio. Junction North brings 30+ screenings over 4 days to Northern Ontario of the year's outstanding stories from Toronto’s Hot Docs International Film Festival, TIFF, and Sundance, plus a variety of local stories, an industry forum for Northern Ontario emerging doc filmmakers, and school screenings.


Mini-Facial / Skin Clinic with Melodie Burns

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Melodie Burns of Alchemy North will be in-house performing mini-facials for 3 lucky people! Learn proper usage of this fabulous all natural, vegan skin care line free of any harmful chemicals. Be amazed at the change in your complexion. Melodie will teach the anatomy and physiology of skin, and the importance of pH to obtain and maintain beautiful, healthy skin.

Live Music at Salute

Salute Coffee Company 2195 Armstrong Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Fagroongala is a Celtic trio who compose, arrange, and perform original and traditional music from Canada and the UK, in both French and English. To reveal the depth and contrast of emotions in lyrics as well as instrumental music, the band’s repertoire draws not only from Celtic roots but also classical music, funk, and other popular styles. Fagroongala's songs, many of which predate Canadian confederation, are adapted with modern instrumentation, rhythms and harmony.

Christmas Craft Show 2017

St. Benedict 2993 Algonquin Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Christmas Craft Show 2017 St. Benedict C.S.S. 2993 Algonquin Rd. Sat. Nov. 11 from 10 - 4pm & Sun. Nov. 12 from 11 - 3pm $3.00 Admission Door Prize Silent Auction Food Canteen

Remembrance Day Ceremony

Royal Canadian Legion 66 Edison Road, Falconbridge, P0M 1S0, Canada

Remembrance Day ceremony at Branch 336 takes place in the main hall. This important event includes the laying of wreaths, reciting of Flanders Fields, pipers and more. A light lunch will be served following the ceremony.

Intro to Acrylics w/ Dineen Worth-3rd in a Series

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

4-week series of 2-hour lessons for absolute beginners. Learn the basics of painting with acrylics, and end with painting a still life from a few choices selected by the instructor. Dineen Worth has extensive experience teaching art, including classes at the Art Gallery of Sudbury. Her sparkling personality and passion will put you at ease as you learn these skills from the ground up! $200 for the entire 4-week series. All supplies included.
