Café Piaf
The Cedar Nest 11 Cedar Street, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaCelebrating 21 years together, Café Piaf invites you to enjoy a very special one-hour concert followed by half-hour artist talk with Iona Reed, Brian Quebec, Ron Kelly and Pandora Topp. Le concert terminera avec une séance de questions-réponses avec les musiciens qui célèbrent 21 ans ensemble. . Thursday, November 21st and Friday, November 22nd at 7:30pm and Saturday November 23rd at 12:30pm. jeudi, le 21 novembre et vendredi le 22 novembre à 19h30 et samedi. le 23 novembre à 12h30. Please call 705 677-5519 to reserve your tickets. Composez le 705 677-5519 pour réserver votre place. . . . Café Piaf with Pandora Topp is a contemporary, dramatic interpretation of the repertoire of the legendary French chanteuse Édith Piaf. Pandora’s wide-ranging musical career, combined with extensive stage experience, and language studies provide her with a rare ability to not only perform the songs of Piaf, but to purvey the message held in each work. The charm of Café Piaf with Pandora Topp is that it seeks not to imitate the inimitable Édith Piaf but rather, it attempts to recount everyday lives made extraordinary through brilliant storytelling and comprehensive musical composition. The stories, whether disturbing or enchanting, miserable or glorious, stir the soul; you are engaged at once by the honesty and simplicity of the performance which, married with generous musicianship, result in an intimate glimpse of our human experience.