Beneath the Sky: An Exhibit by Niki Sola
One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaNikolas Sola ARTIST STATEMENT My name is Nikolas (Niki) Sola. I am 11 years old and although I know I am very young, I see things differently than most kids my age. I've always been interested in drawing and painting but last year, in 2018, I spent a lot of time in nature and felt very inspired by it. When I first started painting on canvas I realized my art was interesting to others and I gifted many of my paintings to my family and friends. When more adults started noticing my mom's posts on social media about my work, I knew that people liked my art and I started feeling more confident about taking on larger canvases and bigger ideas. I went to AGO in Toronto for the first time on my 11th birthday this past February and was very inspired to take my painting to the next level. Many people have told me I should take classes but I feel like that would stifle my art and at this time in my life, I don't want that. My mom always encourages me to be free and that is what I am doing. I am feeling so lucky that One Sky has given me a chance to show my art to my friends, family and the public. I hope that you like it too. This series of work is called "Beneath the Sky" as I am very inspired by the world around me and nature. I don't know what the future holds for me and art but right now it is what I love doing. I also love baseball, basketball and football and playing my harmonica. I feel very honoured to have an exhibit and am so happy I get to share my art with you! PS: None of...