The Note – Sudbury Book Signing
Chapters 1425 Kingsway, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaFinal leg of, The Note, book tour to end back home in Sudbury, Deb and I are very excited to see old friends and family. Be sure to join us at Ferrigan’s Pub in Garson for drinks after the event !! The Note is a bestselling novel about a child musical prodigy who is seized by schizophrenia and ends up in rags busking on the streets of Amsterdam. His talent is such that listeners have an ethereal experience when he plays and he gains a following of hippies, gypsies, and buskers, all those that live on the margins of society. Meanwhile, his trophy wife stepmother wants him dead for his inheritance. The Note is a tense suspense story that spans three continents, that asks the question, where does sanity end and genus begin, and how are some extraordinary people able to tap into well knowledge that eludes the rest of us. Hope to see you all there!