21st Annual Pride March
Downtown Sudbury Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaFierte Sudbury Pride is excited to promote this years Pride Parade that will be starting at Memorial Park at 1:30 for the rally and the march begins at 2:00 pm and will route throughout downtown Sudbury. Come celebrate the Generations of Pride by joining us in our annual Pride March! Wear your brightest colours, bring your best signs, cheer your loudest cheers, and get ready to show your pride! With the election of the new PC government and their decision to change the sex education curriculum back to the outdated 1990’s version, completely eliminating queer sex education in our schools, we’ll be promoting the messaging “Keep diversity in our education curriculum!” so that our queer youth can make more informed, safer and better decisions when it comes to their sexual health rather than having to live in shame. We encourage others to promote this message with us. For more information on how we can coordinate this message together please contact Fierte Sudbury Pride at sudburypride@gmail.com For a full listing of events, check out the Events page on our website! http://www.sudburypride.com/events/