R. L. Beattie Christmas Craft Fair 2017

R.L. Beattie 102 Loach's Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

We are proud to announce that we will be supporting the Ronald McDonald Family Room at HSN as our charity of choice for our Christmas Craft show. As many of you know, Ronald McDonald House Charities opened their first RMHC Family Room in Northeastern Ontario at Health Sciences North on December 7, 2016. It is a place for families to use in order to stay close to their sick children. The Family Room relies mostly on donations of various items to keep the room stocked on snacks and basic essentials. One of the items the Family Room provides for families are “Bags of Love” – bags filled with essentials like toiletries and simple snacks. We would like to collect items for these bags as well as snack type foods ...to supply the room with. Here is a list of items that can be donated to the Ronald McDonald Family Room: • Toothbrushes - applesauce • Toothpaste - granola bars • Soap - crackers (individually wrapped) • Washcloth - canned soup (ready to serve) • Wipes - fruit to go • Shampoo and conditioner (travel size) - drink boxes • Hand lotion (travel size) - cookies (individually wrapped) • Deodorant (men & women’s) - chocolate • Comb • Band aids • Razors • Gum • Notebook (small) • Pen We will have a bin set up at the entrance of the school and those with a donation will not have to pay the $2 entry to the craft show. Thank you for your support.  

Once Upon A Christmas Craft Show

Capreol Arena 20 Meehan, Capreol, Ontario, Canada

Join us at the capreol arena on Saturday November 18th from 10-4pm for a day of holiday shopping. Swag bags upon entry, penny table and door prizes to be won. Vendor List: 1. Scentsy- Lisa Maki- Smith (p) 2. Custom Creations by Kyleigh (p) 3. Crafting Hands- Colleen 4. Epicure- Melanie Chartand 5. Gramma Stuff- Arlene 6. Heavenly leggings- Monique (p) 7. DuTerra-Daykota (p) 8. DLR Photography... 9. Gel Moment- Renee Lafrance (pif) 10. Fudge Favours by Suzanne 11. I am Caroline (p) 12. LipSense- Jodi (p) 13. Thirty-One Gifts- Natasha Imamovic (np) 14. Sunset Gourmet- Jennifer Forsyth-Parise (p) 15. Keto/OS Pruvit- Cindy-lee Boyd (np) 16. Pampered Chef- Erika Anne Shops (p) 17. Weedbedz 18. She Shell Treasures 19. Monat- Amanda (p) 20. Watkins- Krysta Jetty (p)  

Crochet Basics course

Sweet Yarns 947 Lorne Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Learn basic crochet stitches while making granny squares. Registration is required either instore or online. Call or stop by for more information.


Sudbury Spartans 65th Anniversary Gala Dinner

Radisson Hotel Sudbury 85 Ste. Anne Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

2017 is the 65th Anniversary of Our great organization. To mark this momentous occasion, we are having a party. November 18th, 2017 at the Radisson Hotel in Sudbury, ON. Tickets will be on sale starting this monday for $65 per person, and $500 for a Table of 8. Tickets can be purchased at Buzzy Brown's Brasserie at 1984 Regent St or New Sudbury Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic at 1100 Lasalle. Pre-Register for the event at www.silverandblue.ca.

Sudbury Santa Claus Parade

Downtown Sudbury Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Come one, Come all to see Sudbury Santa Claus Parade. There will be a lot of floats, fireworks, watch party, and we can't forget the best of all Santa will be there.

Vive le vin!

Caruso Club 385 Haig Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join the Rotary Club of Sudbury Sunrisers for their annual fundraiser. The evening promises to have great wine (paired with cheeses from Regency Bakery), evening buffet and plenty fellowship/networking opportunities! To purchase tickets, either leave us a message and a Rotarian will contact you or please call Luann at 705-929-5099. Proceeds going to Rotary park and community initiatives.

The Tom Petty Night

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

When we lost Tom Petty last month it took us by surprise. He seemed ageless... the lanky young blonde singing power pop tunes and making classic videos with Alice in Wonderland themes... he was the young kid invited into the Traveling Wilbury's to give them a little grit. He spent 41 years in the public eye writing a solid body of workday rock and roll songs. He was the everyman songwriter with a catchy riff and a great sandy, nasally voice. Don Kunto and his regular crew and a few long time musical friends gather this evening to sing songs for Tom Petty… Whether you’re on the Last Dance for Mary Jane, Dancing at the Zombie Zoo or you’re a Refugee… The Waiting is the Hardest Part. Come celebrate this iconic songwriter with us.

Live in Concert, Joey Niceforo in Sudbury

All Nations Church 414 St. Raphael Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Sooooo excited to announce my upcoming concert in Sudbury on Thursday December 7, 2017 at 7:30 PM at All Nations Church !! Also so excited that my dear friend and long time colleague Roy Tan will be sharing the stage with me!!! More info and ticket link below! “Joey Niceforo has one of the most robust and exciting voices I’ve heard in a long time. He’s riveting on stage, his voice pins you to the song and does not let you go until the last stirring note.” – Insights Magazine GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS Dibrina Box Office at the Sudbury Theatre Centre 705-674-8381  or online at https://tickets.sudburytheatre.on.ca/TheatreManager/1/online?performance=4286 Thursday December 7, 2017 at 7:30 PM

Santa Pictures

Baxter Animal Hospital 1060 Lorne Street Unit 3, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Back by Popular Demand!!!! Santa pictures with your pet. Have your dog, cat, the whole family come sit with Santa and have a picture taken! $10 per picture Proceeds go to the Oscar fund! Look forward to seeing all of you there! PS: Please facebook, email or call us to let us know you are coming so we can have an idea of numbers. :) Thank you!
