Adulting 101: How to dominate your tax return like a pro

NORCAT 1545 Maley Drive, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join us and Trevor Lalonde for an Adulting 101 Workshop and learn how to dominate your tax return like a pro. About Adulting 101: According to Urban Dictionary, Adulting is in fact a verb… Adulting is the act of “doing grown up things and holding responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grownups” So why don’t they teach you the in’s and out’s of being an ‘adult’ in school? Sure, we know we have to pay bills on time, buy a house, and balance a job / volunteer all while maintaining a social life. So how does one go about adulting properly? That’s where the YPA comes in. Our new Adulting 101 series will teach you everything from raising your credit score, managing your money, perfecting your ‘young professional’ image, to mastering the art of picking the perfect bottle of wine for under $10. This workshop will: Provide a brief overview on how the Canadian Tax System works Describe what deductions and credits are available Compare and contrast RRSP/TFSA/RESP/RDSP Teach you how to converse with the CRA Discuss pros and cons of incorporation for business owners

High Road Presents: Century Palm, Strange Attractor, Telecolor

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Thurs. March 9th / 6PM $10 adv / $15 door Licensed/All-ages TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: All your friends will be there! Sponsored by: High Road Records Stack Brewing Journal Printing Long & McQuade - Sudbury William F. White International Inc. Community partners: Northern Lights Festival Boréal CKLU 96.7 FM - Laurentian University Campus and Community Radio Station Party Cannon will completely transform the Townehouse with a venue-wide art installation. Featuring musical performances by: ----Main Stage----- Century Palm (Toronto, post punk) Frustration, ennui, subtle desperation and ROCK from some Toronto scene vets. Another band 'bout to blow up. Strange Attractor (Sudbury, Punk) Canada's finest punk band. Telecolor (Sudbury, Instrumental Post Rock) The tightest, most technically proficient young band in town. -----NLFB acoustic Stage----- Jackson Reed (Goulais River, Folk) Sault Ste. Marie's wunderkind concert promoter takes the mic and does real good! Kid Captain (Sudbury, solo power ballads Former Howie Moonlight frontman Dylan Kelly steps out on his own!


Wine Discovery

Collège Boréal 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

LEARNING OBJECTIVES • Wine tasting process • Geographical influence of wine • Grape varieties • Wine appreciation Sommelier Heather Downey will guide you through a tasting of varietals from around the world. Price: $95 | 3 hours including appetizers and must be 19 years of age


Lunchtime Urban Hike/Walk

Rainbow Centre 40 Elm Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

A lunchtime trek to boost your productivity or simply break up the day! Speed & terrain: moderate (stairs, hills) Distance: roughly 3km (flexible) Approx duration: 45min Make sure to dress appropriately, in layers & to wear good walking boots. Hiking poles welcome. Events run in all but the worst conditions (+/- 30°C, lightning, hail, etc). Please arrive a a few minutes before the start of the hike or sign and bring the attached form.

Laurentian Relay for Life 2017

Ben Avery Physical Education Centre 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Simulation Challenge 2017

Collège Boréal 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

The Laurentian Interprofessional Health Council (LIHC) is hosting the 2nd annual interprofessional simulation challenge for Laurentian University, NOSM and Collège Boréal students March 11th and March 12th 2017 at Collège Boréal. This event is a great way to meet other students from health programs,enhance your interprofessional knowledge, clinical skills and take part in a medical simulation challenge. Due to limited space in the simulation lab we are accepting 36 students. Applications to participate can be made using this link : application deadline is February 15th 2017. Don’t miss out on this great event!

Curl-ympics 2017

Sudbury Curling Club 300 Wessex Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

The Curl-ympic Games is an opportunity for family and friends to GO FOR GOLD, while helping local charities. The games are March 11, 2017 at the Sudbury Curling Club. All proceeds will be going to Cambrian Foundation and 1 Saves 8 Foundation. Prizes and games throughout the evening and pizza and snacks will be provided. Register Your Team Today! Tickets:


Alumnite – Trivia Edition!

Doghouse 212 Romanent Lane, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Quizzard of Oz? Answers with Wolves? Trivia Newton John? What's your best trivia team name? Come join us for an evening of fun, food and friendly competition with the trivia edition of our annual JIC Alumni event! Experienced question asker Cole Fournier will be giving us a trivia night to remember, with one special JIC trivia round included! And prizes! Test your knowledge, meet some new Alumni and see some old friends! Please RSVP!

March Madness at The Asylum

The Asylum Sudbury 19 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Come join in on the March Madness with 3 bands for your listening pleasure! Whitenoiz - (Sudbury Hard Rock/Metal) - Desolate State - (Sudbury Metal) Archelon - (Sudbury Melodic-Thrash Metal) $7 at the door 19+
