Whiskey River Blues Band
Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, CanadaThursday, December 28th – Whiskey River Blues Band - $7.00 at the door- 10pm Tom Fyfe, Peter Larabie, Steve Malick and Paul Loewenberg tear up a whole bunch of old blues, Tom’s own songs, some rock and roll… a pinch of old country… maybe some rockabilly. After 31 years, The Whiskey River Blues Band has a long list of genres of music it can easily handle… Chicago Blues, Texas Blues… 60’s rock favourites… groovy dancing soul music… old Motown favourites. You name it… better yet, write your request down on a $20 bill and slide it quietly to the band… and you’ll never know what could happen. What the band needs from you is some serious dancing. If you come out early... we've got a double show for you as John Newlands and Kelly Perras have a show from 8-10pm. Jazz, Pop and Soul from this dynamic duo.