The Good Lovelies: Presented by NLFB

Italian Club - Copper Cliff 7 Craig Street, Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Presented by Northern Lights Festival Boréal NLFB is thrilled to welcome back past festival performers, the Good Lovelies. The group continues to delight crowds across the country, as their sound evolves and progresses. Tickets are now on sale online, as well as at the NLFB Office (19 Grey Street) and the Italian Club (7 Craig Street). $30 for advanced tickets and $35 at the door. Doors open at 6:30pm, wit h the show starting around 7:30pm. There will be a cash bar, and minors must be accompanied by an adult. Food, including delicious pizza and subs, will be sold by the Copper Cliff Italian Club. Bring friends and family, to enjoy a night of wonderful music! Seating is first come, first serve. General admission. BIO: "Shapeshifters is a brilliant album and, in a sense, the beginning of a new chapter in the musical life of the Good Lovelies.” -- Spill Magazine "rhythms here sway and swing like a Bahamas record (check out Take Me, Take Me or Pulse and Flatline) and the richly textured vocal treatments at times recall the work of Pierre Marchand and Sarah McLachlan.” -- Winnipeg Free Press “Shapeshifters, the new release from Canadian folk-harmony trio Good Lovelies, combines the familiar sound of three voices raised in harmony paired with spacious keyboard and machine-like rhythms to full effect with the result being a curiously satisfying mix of hopefulness and the forlorn. The fact that their voices go together as if it was divinely decreed doesn’t hurt in making all this work so well. Sounds not a little like the sonic equivalent of a glittering diamond on velvet. Performance: A+/Production: A+” -- Rod Nicholson, Scene Magazine You hear it a lot these days – the idea that something is greater than the sum of its parts – and...

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Spinal Health and Posture

Greater Sudbury Public Library 74 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join Dr. Doni, local chiropractor, at the South End Library to discuss just how important your posture and alignment is to how you feel and to your overall health and well being. You will also learn what you can do on a day to day basis to keep your spine healthy. Contact your local branch for more details or register online at

AbbaMania – In Support of Children’s Wish Foundation

Caruso Club 385 Haig Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Sept 20 - Sudbury, ON - This rock musical will take you back to the disco era. Don’t miss this tribute to one of the best pop bands in history, ABBA. Witness these incredible musicians and singers! Not only do the four performers look exactly like Anni-Frid, Bjorn, Benny and Agnetha, they also sound unbelievably like them. Recently back from a Malaysian tour, they perform throughout Canada, the U.S. and internationally. Experience 21 of ABBA's hits, with all the costume changes, choreography, a live band, and big studio sound. This Benefit Event is in support of The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada - Ontario Chapter. The Children’s Wish Foundation helps bring smiles to many boys and girls with life-threatening illnesses, by making their greatest wish come true. Ticket & Info Line 1-800-516-5810


Swollen Members Live in Sudbury

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

SWOLLEN MEMBERS LIVE IN SUDBURY!!! September 20, 2018 ☆ Live Performance by ☆ Swollen Members special guests: Alpha Omega & Robbie G TICKETS ON SALE NOW!!! Buy Tickets Here: 19+ | licensed event Questions? Presented by: R-Evolution Media Studio, CG Entertainment & Green North Entertainment

Yoga & Wine

SRO 93 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

We're hosting another Yoga & Wine event - September Edition! Our last was our best one yet! So we thought we'd have another one! What a great way to get moving after a long work week, plus incorporating wine with your movement. Mix that with huge laughs and time with friends, it's the perfect start to your weekend. Sign up fast, this event is going to sell out! This event is held at SRO. Please bring your own yoga mats.

705 FEST

Grace Hartman Amphitheatre 900 Paris Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join us for the annual Welcome Week Concert and fireworks! Stay tuned for artist announcements. Buses will be leaving campus 5:30pm-7:30pm and returning to Laurentian 11:00pm-12:30am. There will also be a bus from School of Architecture 5:30pm-7:30pm and returning to School of Architecture 11:00pm-12:30am. **NO BAGS ALLOWED** Any bags will be searched by security prior to entry.

Religion & Science: The Great Debate!

The Laughing Buddha 194 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Religion & Science - THE GREAT DEBATE ! WHEN: Join us Friday September 21 @ 8 p.m. WHERE: The Laughing Buddha 194 Elgin Street, Downtown Sudbury PRESENTING: Deacon Bruno Michel RELIGION the Driving Force behind SCIENCE? The relationship between religion and science is the subject of continued debate! Are religious beliefs sometimes conducive to science, or do they inevitably pose obstacles to scientific inquiry? Join us as we aim to answer these and other questions. Theology on Tap Sudbury invites those from 18 to 30 to a Casual Evening of Discussion, Socializing & FREE Appetizers. For more information or to ask any questions, please contact us via our Facebook page. SPONSORED BY SISTERS OF ST. JOESPH OF SAULT STE. MARIE

Townehouse Tavern Sudbury- Gabba Heys! The Cover Up! Amy Gabba!

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

HUGE Triple Bill as Toronto's GABBA HEYS! bring their RAMONES show to The Townehouse Tavern in Sudbury, Ontario. THE COVER UP (Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario) do Green Day, NOFX, Social D, Replacements, Rancid + Amy Gabba (Toronto, Ontario) does JOAN JETT & THE BLACKHEARTS! 1,2,3,4 $10 at the door. HEY! HO! LET'S GO to THE TOWNEHOUSE TAVERN! 92.7 ROCK Sudbury Sudbury Music Scene


No Partner? No Problem! Nights at ARC

ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, Sudbury

New to climbing and in need of a partner? Know how to belay, but need a belaytionship*? Join us for a ‘No Partner, No Problem’ night and meet other solo climbers! A great way to meet the ARC Community. Join Emilie or Cory every Tuesday from 6-9pm for some climbing and belaying!