Climb for Cancer – ARC
ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, SudburyARC Climbing Yoga Fitness is pleased to be hosting a Climb for Cancer event on June 10th, 2017! The object of the competition is to be the team to climb the highest within the allotted time. The team’s total height is calculated from the number of completed laps plus two times the total of funds raised by all team members. Teams are encouraged to raise funds with the incentive being that every dollar you and your teammates raise gives you two extra feet to help push your team higher than opposing squads. Come out and support a great cause and dedicate your climbing passion for just one day. Help do something great in this epic battle to conquer cancer in our lifetime. While the Climb for Cancer historically benefits the Princess Margaret Foundation, our event will be benefiting the Northern Cancer Foundation! Please make all pledge cheque donations to the Northern Cancer Foundation! Sign up online here: