World Suicide Prevention Day – Community Butterfly Release, BBQ and Concert
Bell Park Sudbury, CanadaWorld Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) takes place every year on September 10th, which is a date recognized internationally as a day to bring awareness to suicide prevention and postvention, and to also recognize those lost to suicide and those left behind. The North East Suicide Prevention Network’s 4th Annual WSPD event will take place again this year at the Elizabeth Gazebo, Bell Park (off Elizabeth St), on Sunday, September 10th, starting at 4:30 p.m. This year's event is being held in partnership with the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra and the N’Swakamok Kweok Hand Drummers. Our 1 hour concert will be part of the "Mysterious Barricades" coast to coast concert series, raising awareness about mental health and suicide. This free, live streamed via the internet concert will be 21 hours long, featuring 15 Canadian cities/locations, beginning at sunrise in Newfoundland, and ending with sunset on the British Columbia coast. More information about the Mysterious Barricades concert can be found at, including a short video of last year's concert. As we have done every year, we will also have our free BBQ, and our butterfly release....butterflies to be sold for $10 each on site, on in advance at the Canadian Mental Health Association office on Elm St in Sudbury. The release of butterflies is a beautiful way to remember and honour the lives of those we have lost. We hope you can join us!