Johnny and the Terminators
Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, CanadaFriday, January 4th - Johnny and the Terminators - $7.00 at the door, 10pm Great rock and roll, Rhythm and Blues and Soul music power trio. Paul DiSalle has been leading Johnny and the Terminators for over 10 years. One of the city's most explosive guitarists. The DiSalle family name has been synonymous with great music in this city going back 3 generations... more than 70 years. Whether they are doing a spot on take on Stevie Ray Vaughan or a great interpretation of classic soul and Motown, the Terminators rock it with energy. Like Vanilla Fudge covering Stevie Wonder... this is a powerhouse trio that keeps it lean and keeps you dancing. We go back to work on Monday after a long holiday break... one last chance to get wild and weird before settling into the new year.