Nest Talk with Kyla Heyming
The Cedar Nest 11 Cedar Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada🎤NEST TALK🎤 We’re back! Join us to listen to Kyla Heyming’s Nest Talk on “Lost in the Write Direction “ on October 18th. Talk Description: Is writing part of your daily life? Whether it’s for passionate or practical reasons, chances are you don’t go a day without sending a text, jotting down ideas or making notes. Writer, poet and blogger KPH has learned someone’s voice has value; all the more in a world that continuously spews whatever is on its mind. The trick isn’t always what you say, but how you say it. Discover how writing as a creative outlet is not only good for you, but how it can also have a positive influence on the lives of those you never dreamed/envisioned you could impact. Explore the different genres and styles of writing with KPH to find out which one(s) are best suited to express your voice. Get Lost in the Write Direction and let your words lead the way.