Ron James | Sudbury

Fraser Auditorium 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Tickets on sale now. Call the box office: (705) 674-8381 Book online: Award-winning comedian RON JAMES has been selling out theatres for over 15 years with his marathon, side-splitting, kinetically charged performances. Marshaling a comedian’s eye for satire and a writer’s ear for language, Ron takes his audience on a breath-taking, non-stop roller coaster ride, cutting a wide swath through contemporary culture with his razor-sharp ribald wit, uncompromising standards and unique, poetically honed delivery. A stand-out amongst ‘stand-ups’... “Utterly Brilliant” - Ottawa Sun; “a man of a million words and a million laughs ... genius” - Globe & Mail; “a unique brand of funny all his own” - Winnipeg Free Press; “fits of helpless laughter” - Halifax Chronicle Herald; “hysterically funny ... at the top of his game” - Toronto Star; “gut-bustingly, knee slappingly funny” - Ottawa Citizen, “funniest man in Canada” - Victoria Times-Colonist; “a wheezing, snorting, chortling, gasping night of hilarity” - Edmonton Sun; “fast, funny and smart” - Montreal Gazette; “simply the best” - Toronto Sun; “thunderous standing ovation” - Saskatoon Star Phoenix. With nine critically acclaimed one-hour comedy specials under his belt, plus five seasons starring in his own series, “The Ron James Show”, Canada’s #1 road warrior is back doing what he does best: delivering laughs face to face and coast to coast ... a high octane Full Throttle ride! Reserved seating tickets for Ron James - Full Throttle are $57.50 - $66.00 ( depending on facility fees, tax included, service charges may apply). Showtime is 7:30pm.


La 46e Nuit sur l’étang : Hommage à Robert Paquette

Collège Boréal 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

À l'été de 1969 tout était possible. L'Humanité marchait sur la lune. Nos esprits étaient occupés par des idées et de grands changements, mai 68, la révolution tranquille, l'effondrement de la famille canadienne - française, la crise identitaire franco-canadienne. Nous insistions pour parler français, dans les magasins, sur la rue, au travail, aux études. Nous rêvions d'écrire nos propres pièces de théâtre, notre poésie, nos romans, nos chansons et de composer notre musique. Cinquante ans plus tard, notre résilience est toujours là s'adaptant aux défis et prenant différentes formes au fil des décennies. Pour célébrer ce demi-siècle d'affirmations de notre communauté, La Nuit sur l'étang 2019 présente une création intitulée Hommage à Robert Paquette. Le samedi 23 mars 2019, à 19 h 30, à l’amphithéâtre du Collège Boréal, les Concerts La Nuit sur l’étang invitent la communauté francophone et les francophiles à venir célébrer le 50e anniversaire du premier franco-ontarien à enregistrer et faire carrière au Québec et à l'international ! Vous l'aurez deviné, cette édition est un hommage au grand Robert Paquette. Nous célébrerons la résilience de nos artistes, de notre culture et notre communauté à travers des airs de ce grand chanteur, accompagné par des artistes d'aujourd'hui et par un orchestre maison de grande envergure. EN AVANT PREMIÈRE : Le groupe Fjord de Blezard Valley ouvrira le bal avec sa musique folk à ambiance acoustique et jazz. Ce groupe originaire de la vallée est composé de trois jeunes artistes franco-ontariens. Nikola Goulet, Meagan Bigras et Michel Roux sont les heureux récipients de prix au festival Quand ça nous chante 2018 et lauréats au concours de musique La Brunante 2018. Ils sauront vous faire chanter et danser au rythme de leur musique. Rien de tel pour se mettre dans l'ambiance pour la Nuit à venir. EN PREMIÈRE PARTIE :...

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Sudbury Pop-Up Dress Fitting!

Stitch & Stone 58 Cedar Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Calling all brides and bridal parties! Book your 1-hour appointment now with one of our BridesMade stylists to try on our beautiful dresses at Stitch & Stone Sudbury, ON! We'll help you find the perfect colour and fit for the wedding – each bridal party will receive their own coupon code to use towards their final rental or purchase. Limited space is available, so book now! Everyone is welcome to stop by even if an appointment is not booked but please note that booked appointments include a personal stylist. Don't see a time that works for you? No problem, reach out to our stylists at and we'll see if we can help! Check out our website for colours, dress collections and inspiration for your wedding day! Refreshments will be served.

Film: Nothing Like a Dame

Sudbury Indie Cinema Downtown 40 Elm Street, Sudbur, Ontario, Canada

Dames Judi Dench, Eileen Atkins, Joan Plowright, and Maggie Smith get together for tea to reminisce and discuss their acting careers. “What happens when four living stage legends sit down to tea? In Roger Michell’s charming documentary, they gossip, argue and admit that they don’t remember everything… … it’s ultimately big fun having tea with these Dames.” -Susan G. Cole ‘NOW Toronto’

Yap + Yoga : Body Love, Boundaries and Beliefs

Myoga 2037 Long Lake Road, Unit 12, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Yap + Yoga is a 3 part series for teen girls. Through yoga, meditation, journaling and conversation, we willl dive deep into self love, giving ourselves the time to reflect on loving our bodies, having healthy boundaries, and believing in ourselves. Bring a yoga mat and your favourite journal.

Sunday afternoon Blues, Rag, Bluegrass and Gospel

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Welcome 2019 ... Our Sunday Afternoons have been great this year... Richard Mende and Paul Loewenberg take a couple hours to play old Blues, Ragtime, Bluegrass, Gospel with a touch of Folk music. About half the time we have special guests join in on Bass or Fiddle or Dobro or Banjo... but the rest of the time it's 2 music encyclopedias playing the best from 1800 to about 1960. More often is the 1920's and 30's. We love it when the kids dance. Bring the kids, bring your parents... meet your friends. Have a great meal... One last afternoon of peace and good music for the season. We are back in January with more Fats Waller, Mississippi Sheiks, Hank Williams, Bob Wills, The Carter Family and more. If you are a player and want to get in on the kitchen jam... come and talk to us...

Jack Pine

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Jack Pine is “driving”, “dynamic", “giddy, bittersweet” Alt-Folk Singer-Songery at it’s best. Nominated at the 2019 JUNOs and the 2018 Canadian Folk Music Awards, Jack Pine and The Fire’s newest album Left To Our Own Devices explores all our relationships - with ourselves, with each other, and with the earth. “A record you’d run into a burning barn to save” - Author/Columnist, Sean Michaels Jack hollers and howls like a lone wolf, spitting wry words and tall tales, while strumming his mandolin furiously, then softly. He sings songs of lost souls and forgotten truths, with lyricism that blends vivid and powerful imagery with quirky wordplay, dark humour, and biting social commentary. JACK PINE @ TOWNEHOUSE TAVERN SUNDAY MARCH 24TH NO COVER

Hidden Secrets by Jean Luc Pigeon

Artists on Elgin 168 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

The Northern Artist Gallery is thrilled to announce that the exhibit “Hidden Secrets” for the month of March will consist of creations by the talented wood turner Jean Luc Pigeon. The public is invited to attend the opening reception on Saturday March 9 from 1pm to 4pm and listen to Jean Luc share his passion for woodturning. Jean Luc has always enjoyed the challenge of making work with burls and exotic woods. He likes to keep natural edges with burls, thinness for delicate works and add finials to decorative and ornamental pieces. Wooden bowls and pens made from an array of different woods are his forte. While attending an international wood show in the early 90’s, he watched a wood turner produce a small bowl and was fascinated by the technique. He then started turning bowls and challenged himself to do more difficult pieces. To this day, he is still mesmerized by the natural «Hidden Secrets» of wood. The grain, texture and colors are revealed as the wood is transformed to a one of a kind work of art.

GROOVE Sudbury

Zen Fitness 158 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

GROOVE is a simple and fun dance experience that workouts the body and nurtures the mind. No dance experience required any body 14yrs and up can do it. We will be dancing in the Pilates room. NO SHOES allowed. Optional: towel/yoga mat, water bottle, and wear anything you don’t mind sweating in Cost is $10 CASH (Please arrive 15 minutes prior to register)


Film: Cold War

Sudbury Indie Cinema Downtown 40 Elm Street, Sudbur, Ontario, Canada

In the 1950s, a music director falls in love with a singer and tries to persuade her to flee communist Poland for France. "An aching film on such exquisite pains of impossible love, Paweł Pawlikowski’s “Cold War” concurrently swells your heart and breaks it, just like the sore memory of a lover that drifted away from your life, or an intensely craved kiss that never was. It’s a tale with the makings of legendary sagas, following the union and break-up (and union and break-up again and again) of Wiktor and Zula, a classically gorgeous couple from the opposite sides of the tracks. They first meet deep in the dilapidated countryside of the post-World War II Poland. They exchange suggestive glances and embark on a stormy affair that disastrously evolves over two isolating decades and numerous unsympathetic locales across Europe.” -Tomris Laffly ''