Graphic-Con Fan Jame After Party

Spacecraft Brewery 854 Notre Dame, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Cons are lots of fun (and hard work). Relax and come celebrate with us after the event at Spacecraft Brewery! Cosplay is encouraged but your normal dress is perfectly acceptable as well. Live music, food, and cold beverages... What else could you ask for on a post-con Saturday night? Proudly presented by Rock 92.7, and Spacecraft Brewery. Tickets will be $10 and will be available starting May 22nd for advance purchase at Spacecraft Brewery or at the door on June 8th.


Sunday Speedball Opener

Dodge This Paintball 463 Falconbridge Hwy, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Sunday Speedball is back! Starting June 9th weekly Sunday Speedball is back! We run Speedball from 10AM-5PM every Sunday at the Dodge This Paintball field! Field Pricing for Paintballs & Admission still Applies! If anyone has any questions regarding Sunday Speedball message us via facebook or contact us on our website!

Mindfulness Workshop

Two Souls Yoga 469 Bouchard Street Suite 229, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Mindfulness is a skill that is used for many aspects of our lives and teaches us to be engaged with the present moment in all that comes our way. In this 4-week group participants will be introduced to different mindfulness practices that help to surf the wave of overwhelming emotions. The group will learn how mindfulness can help to regulate emotions and positively influence neural connections in the brain. Each session will incorporate opportunities to learn … discuss …and practice mindfulness. Participants will leave this 4-weeks series with information and concrete tools to develop greater emotional stability in their daily lives. Dates: May 26, Jun 2, 9, 16, 2019 Time: 2:30pm – 4pm Cost: $100.00


Mindfulness Workshop

Two Souls Yoga 469 Bouchard Street Suite 229, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Mindfulness is a skill that is used for many aspects of our lives and teaches us to be engaged with the present moment in all that comes our way. In this 4-week group participants will be introduced to different mindfulness practices that help to surf the wave of overwhelming emotions. The group will learn how mindfulness can help to regulate emotions and positively influence neural connections in the brain. Each session will incorporate opportunities to learn … discuss …and practice mindfulness. Participants will leave this 4-weeks series with information and concrete tools to develop greater emotional stability in their daily lives. Dates: May 26, Jun 2, 9, 16, 2019 Time: 2:30pm – 4pm Cost: $100.00


Sunday afternoon Blues, Rag, Bluegrass and Gospel

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Welcome 2019 ... Our Sunday Afternoons have been great this year... Richard Mende and Paul Loewenberg take a couple hours to play old Blues, Ragtime, Bluegrass, Gospel with a touch of Folk music. About half the time we have special guests join in on Bass or Fiddle or Dobro or Banjo... but the rest of the time it's 2 music encyclopedias playing the best from 1800 to about 1960. More often is the 1920's and 30's. We love it when the kids dance. Bring the kids, bring your parents... meet your friends. Have a great meal... A great afternoon of peace and good music. We are back next week with more Fats Waller, Mississippi Sheiks, Hank Williams, Bob Wills, The Carter Family and more. If you are a player and want to get in on the kitchen jam... come and talk to us...

Fire + Paint = Dirty Pour Fun

Spacecraft Brewery 854 Notre Dame, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

What better way to enjoy yourself than with FREE dessert, FIRE and dirty pour painting! All ticket prices include: - 16x20 canvas - All painting supplies - 2.5 hours of dirty pour painting Limited Seating: only 16 spots available! NOTE: painting will have to be left overnight to dry and picked up the following day Ticket sales close June 7th @ 11:59pm


Summer Kick-Off Party-NEW Summer Menu

East Side Marios - Lasalle 900 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Celebrate with us on June 10th as we head into summer with a NEW Summer menu launch! #giveaways #food #drink

Corey Hart – Never Surrender Tour

Sudbury Community Arena 240 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

All Ages Event Doors - 6:00 PM Show - 7:00 PM Support: Glass Tiger Sale Dates and Times: Public Onsale : Fri, 7 Dec 2018 at 10:00 AM Artist Presale : Tue, 4 Dec 2018 at 10:00 AM - Thu, Dec 6 2018 at 10:00PM AMEX Presale : Tue, 4 Dec 2018 at 12:00 PM - Thu, Dec 6 2018 at 10:00PM Live Nation Presale : Thu, Dec 6 2018 at 10:00 AM - Thu, Dec 6 2018 at 10:00PM

Beginner Yoga with Willa

Myoga 2037 Long Lake Road, Unit 12, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

In these sessions, we will explore some of the basic postures, breathing and meditation techniques utilized in a regular practice. Practicing with us will give you an accessible yoga experience to enhance your life as it has ours!

La Fromagerie Trivia

La Fromagerie 80 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Join us at The Fromo for weekly trivia night. Tuesdays starting at 7:30! Prizes to be won!