GROOVE Sudbury

Zen Fitness 158 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

GROOVE is a simple and fun dance experience that workouts the body and nurtures the mind. No dance experience required any body 14yrs and up can do it. We will be dancing in the Pilates room. NO SHOES allowed. Optional: towel/yoga mat, water bottle, and wear anything you don’t mind sweating in Cost is $10 CASH (Please arrive 15 minutes prior to register)


Film: The Women Who Loves Giraffes

Sudbury Indie Cinema Downtown 40 Elm Street, Sudbur, Ontario, Canada

In 1956, four years before Jane Goodall ventured into the world of chimpanzees and seven years before Dian Fossey left to work with mountain gorillas, in fact, before anyone, man or woman had made such a trip, 23-year old Canadian biologist, Anne Innis Dagg, made an unprecedented solo journey to South Africa to become the first person in the world to study animal behavior in the wild on that continent. When she returned home a year later armed with ground-breaking research, the insurmountable barriers she faced as a female scientist proved much harder to overcome. In 1972, having published 20 research papers as an assistant professor of zoology at University of Guelph, the Dean of the university, denied her tenure. She couldn't apply to the University of Waterloo because the Dean there told Anne that he would never give tenure to a married woman. This was the catalyst that transformed Anne into a feminist activist. For three decades, Anne Innis Dagg was absent from the giraffe world until 2010 when she was sought out by giraffologists and not just brought back to into the fold, but finally celebrated for her work.

Trivia Night @ La Fromagerie

La Fromagerie 80 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

- Free entry - New topics every week Prizes include: cheese trays, gift certificates for the value of a pitcher of beer, gourmet grilled cheeses, swag and more! All kinds of general trivia for you to play. No one has to be a Jeopardy expert. Come out with some friends and show off your craniums! Hosted by comedian Shawn McLaren

Kris Bonaparte Live at The Fromagerie

La Fromagerie 80 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Kris Bonaparte is The Truth! With a laid-back, deadpan style few can match and a long repertoire of hilarious, sometimes twisted jokes and stories, Kris Bonaparte is a proven crowd pleaser. Since doing his first set at an event he organized himself at Junior college in 1995, Bonaparte has toured across Canada and a few spots in the USA spreading laughter. Bonaparte founded . It was billed as Canada’s coolest brand of comedy. The series has morphed into a comedy production house that brings a tailor-made show to any and all who need laughter. The evening will be hosted by Tim Kraft. A nice boy from down the street who will take it as far as the audience is willing to go. He has performed all over Ontario and was a feature act on the Cold Dark North tour. Kraft has competed in LOL Sudbury's 2015 Crown of Comedy Competition and cofounded the hottest open mic in the city, Hot Mess (2016-2018). Opening the show is Rylan Stolar. As the current producer of The Asylum's Amateur Hours and Showcase Shows, Stolar is one of the hardest working comedians in Northern Ontario. You don't want to miss his wry delivery and political commentary. For the mid-card, we have Cole Leonard. Leonard has a proven track record of causing guttural laughs. He is the founder of the Cold Dark North tour and has performed all over Ontario in vapor lounges and Yuk Yuk's. He is the creator and host of the Starving Artists Open Mic and has performed comedy for two consecutive years at River and Sky. Doors at 6:30pm. Get there early for your pick of seats. $10 advance tickets can be purchased at The Fromagerie 80 Elgin St. Sudbury, ON. $15 at the door.


Wellness Wednesday: Mindful Eating

Zen Fitness 158 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Nutrition and Mindset Sessions with Dana our in house Holistic Nutritionist & Natural Health Practitioner. Each week will feature a topic that will provide you with the knowledge and tools to help build a strong foundation to Wellness. When? Wednesdays at 6:45 to 7:45 pm Where? Zen Fitness, 158 Durham Street. Registration is $20 Upcoming Sessions: March 20: Mindful Eating March 27: Meal Planning Tips April 3: Become a Label Reading Pro April 10: Fueling your Body Throughout the Day April 17: Holiday Survival April 24: Marketing & Gimmicks


Hugh Jazz

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

HUGH JAZZ at The Townehouse EVERY WED! NOW 7 - 10pm! WINTER HOURS! New wines... Look for specials... Enjoy a flashback through time every Wednesday night at THE TOWNEHOUSE with HUGH JAZZ! The amazing sounds of live gypsy jazz, delicious delicious food and beer will transport you to the romantic period of the early 20th century. HUGH JAZZ performs live gypsy jazz in the Paris "LE JAZZ HOT" style playing jazz standards made famous by artists such as Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli. Relive the golden period of jazz through the post-prohibition era deftly executed by: Eric Plangger - Guitar Jean Paul Gignac - Fiddle, Jigs and Reels Christopher Garlic - Drums Fronting the band is amazing vocalist Will Himsl. Will brings many years of Sinatraesque swing and latin jazz experience to the band covering everything from Fly me to the Moon to killer classics from Stevie Wonder. Not to be missed! Music starts at 7 PM. Pay What You Can! A $7.50 donation to the band is suggested. See you there!!!


Cercle des auteurs du Projet Manifeste de la Place des Arts

Le Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Canada

Sous la direction musicale de Daniel Bédard. Une résidence de création en chanson l'automne dernier a cherché à provoquer la rencontre entre deux univers : la littérature et la musique. Elle a accueilli quatre duos d’artistes à Sudbury. Chaque duo est composé d’un·e musicien·ne ainsi que d’un·e parolier·ère, et est appelé à créer trois chansons originales inspirées par la francophonie du Nouvel-Ontario et le projet de la Place des Arts. Présentation des œuvres originales en formule « Cercle d’auteurs » avec Daniel Bédard et Daniel Aubin, Cindy Doire et Guylaine Tousignant, Antoine Tremblay Beaulieu et Chloé Laduchesse, Christian Berthiaume et Le R qui croiseront mots et musiques. Billets: 15 $ à 19.69 $ Deux représentations: à 14 h et à 20 h

Sudbury Five vs. Moncton Magic

Sudbury Community Arena 240 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Get excited for Thursday, March 21st at the Sudbury Community Arena! Sudbury Five will be taking on Moncton Magic. Do not miss this chance to come and witness Sudbury's first professional basketball team! Tickets are hot and on sale now! See you Thursday, March 21 at 7:05PM!

CCR & Rolling Stones Tribute Concert

Caruso Club 385 Haig Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

6:00pm ~ Doors Open for general admission seating & cash bar 7:00pm ~ CCR Tribute by Green River Revival Band 8:30pm ~ Intermission & 50/50 Draw 9:00pm ~ Rolling Stones Tribute by The Blushing Brides SPECIAL THANKS to our Sponsors ! Radio Sponsor : Rewind 103.9fm * See YOU at the Show :)