Five-part series Master Class in Italian Cuisine
Ristorante Verdicchio 1351 Kelly Lake Road, Sudbury, Sudbury, CanadaMAKES THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT Join us for this exciting, hands-on, five-part master class series and learn about the art of fine Italian cuisine. Evening sessions will be held starting in mid-January and each will feature one component of a traditional Italian meal. Classes end Feb. 12 - just in time to polish your cooking skills and prepare a special meal for your Valentine’s Day sweetheart. Classes are: January 15 Hors D'Ouevres January 22 Antipasti January 29 Primi February 5 Secondi February 12 Dolce * Upon completion, all participants will receive a special certificate. Cost for five classes is $400 plus taxes. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion.