Stitch and Pitch
Sweet Yarns 947 Lorne Street, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaBring your projects down to Sweet Yarns and join us in watching the Blue Jays' game. Game starts at 1:45PM with Toronto @ St. Louis.
Bring your projects down to Sweet Yarns and join us in watching the Blue Jays' game. Game starts at 1:45PM with Toronto @ St. Louis.
As design students, we have spent the last three years figuring out WTF graphic design is. We’ve realized that graphic design doesn’t have a single definition, so we asked our community what graphic design means to them. The responses are hilarious, insightful, confessional—and demonstrate an honest cross section of opinion on what it means to do this thing we do. “WTF is Graphic Design?” is an exhibit that will explore the interpretations (and misinterpretations) of graphic design from the perspective of students, designers, and the general public. Most importantly, the exhibit allows the class of 2017 to define what graphic design means to each of us. Visit
The One-Eleven Seniors are clearing out our closets for our biggest Rummage Sale yet! The sale runs Thursday, April 27th from 9 am to 4 pm, Friday April 28th from 9 am to 4 pm, and Saturday April 29th from 9 am to noon. We will have coffee, tea, chips and muffins for sale. Free entry Thursday and Friday. Saturday, entry is $2. Located in the One-Eleven Lounge of St. Andrew's Place, 111 Larch St., downtown. Please call 705-675-5303 x202 for more information, or to arrange a donation.
#Girlpower there’s nothing like it! Are you a nasty woman? A girl boss? Are you a dude who doesn’t use feminist as a dirty word? Get ready to celebrate at a party where female empowerment is the theme of the night! With a host of local lady performers you’ll be feeling the #Girlpower for weeks! Proceeds from event will go towards YWCA’s annual Power of Being a Girl conference. This annual event empowers young girls in Sudbury and across Canada to discuss the topics that affect them and prepares them for the future with workshop presentations on healthy relationships, media and body image and communication skills. Tickets will be $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Special YPA Member ticket are $7.
Join the Junction Creek Stewardship Commitee for the Spring Clean-up! We will meet at the Superstore on Lasalle Blvd (In the parking lot at rear of building, near train tracks) Pizza afterwards for all volunteers! Everyone welcome Rubber boots recommended Help make Junction Creek a healthier place for us, and the animals that live in the creek!
On Saturday, April 29th YPA and Sudbury Sport and Social Club are teaming up to bring you the YPA Cup. One tournament, loads of sports! This is a co-ed 'All Sorts of Sports' tournament. All teams play minimum 3 x 25 minute round robin games consisting of 3 different sports. Playoff sports will be determined at random! There will be an after party at the Durham Social! Individual Recreational: $35.00 Team Recreational: $275.00 Registration Deadline: Apr 25, 2017 Location: Macdonald-Cartier 37 LaSalle Blvd LaSalle & Notre Dame Map All Participants (Team or Individual) must be 19+ and be registered online: If new to the Sudbury Sport and Social Club, a user profile is needed. To create one, visit:
This retro style headband has a cute wire bow on top and looks great in so many different prints! It's simple construction makes it hard to stop at making just one. Come make one with us in studio in our 2 hour workshop and take your pattern and new found skills home to make more! This is a great workshop for beginers, no sewing experience required. Saturday April 29, 1-3pm Workshop $35 +tax Pattern $7.99 + tax Ages 14 + *fat quarter and coordinating thread required, we will provide the rest of the materials.
La grande foire de zines/oeuvres imprimées en tous genres est à nos portes! Venez découvrir les oeuvres des artistes d'ici et d'ailleurs. Au menu : foire, rencontres et lectures, le tout autour d'une bonne bière / une assiette de fromage / ce que vous voudrez, vraiment. Vous souhaitez vendre vos zines / photos / poèmes / illustrations / affiches / etc.? Contactez-nous à pour réserver votre place gratuitement. Merci de partager! --- The zines/all kinds of printed art fair is coming soon! Come and discover local and guest artists' work. The program : a fair, interesting encounters and some reading, plus all the delicious things the Fromagerie has to offer. You want to sell your zines / photos / poems / illustrations / posters / etc.? Send us an email at and we'll save you a spot for free. Thanks and please share!
Join 4elements' for a Pipe Ceremony, BBQ Potluck and Art Activity to kick off the process for collaboratively designing one of the sculptures on the Billings Art and Heritage Trail. Hosted by 4elements Living Arts. Pipe Ceremony to be conducted by Elder Josh Eshkokagan (Ojibwe) and Sunny Osawabine (Odaawaa). The event is part of a community arts process to create a permanent public sculpture that responds to and explores relationships between environmental history, land and reconciliation. The pipe ceremony and potluck are intended to celebrate, acknowledge traditions, and share ideas about the project. All are welcome, even if you're shy to participate in the community arts process, if you don't think you're "an artist" come anyway and be part of the ceremony. Billings, M'Chigeeng First Nation and surrounding area community members are kindly invited! Please bring your picnic bundle with cutlery and plates. 2pm - Pipe Ceremony 4pm - BBQ Potluck and Art Activity SAT APRIL 29th at Kagawong Public Beach (rain location, under the pavilion) For more information contact: Mira Jones @ 705-282-0444 OR Sarah King Gold @ 705-507-2340
You know the deal! 3 rounds of 15 questions, and one bonus question per round. Pages are marked a-la grade 5 math class by passing them to a friend. 8pm until ~11, teams of 2-8, --> Get there early seats fill up and we don't take reservations! $5 per person. Prizes for 1st place overall Last place over all Along with prizes for Sportsmanship, and Awesomeness! Winner takes home bragging rights and some awesome prizes are awarded throughout the night! BOARD OF AWESOME: Points scored for being awesome and promoting awesome things! Find a funny answer on someone's card, even if its not the right answer you can still nominate them for an awesome star. We also reward jokers and pranksters and all those who don't cheat!