Nest Talk with Kyla Heyming

The Cedar Nest 11 Cedar Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

🎤NEST TALK🎤 We’re back! Join us to listen to Kyla Heyming’s Nest Talk on “Lost in the Write Direction “ on October 18th. Talk Description: Is writing part of your daily life? Whether it’s for passionate or practical reasons, chances are you don’t go a day without sending a text, jotting down ideas or making notes. Writer, poet and blogger KPH has learned someone’s voice has value; all the more in a world that continuously spews whatever is on its mind. The trick isn’t always what you say, but how you say it. Discover how writing as a creative outlet is not only good for you, but how it can also have a positive influence on the lives of those you never dreamed/envisioned you could impact. Explore the different genres and styles of writing with KPH to find out which one(s) are best suited to express your voice. Get Lost in the Write Direction and let your words lead the way.

2000″s Celebration

Myoga 2037 Long Lake Road, Unit 12, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Calling all 2000 fans for a fun, fresh sweaty flow to all the best 2000 hits!

Library Things: Stranger Things 80’s Revival Party

Greater Sudbury Public Library 74 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Come and celebrate Stranger Things, we'll be doing all things 80's! We'll have some nostalgic video games, horror themed activities, board games,scavenger hunts, costume contest, tirvia and more. Drop in for a rad night. Don't forget your 80's get up! For ages 13 and up!

Hot Garbage w/ Kommissars + Your Grandad

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Hot Garbage (Toronto Psych) Kommissars (Local Death Punk) Your Grandad (Toronto Post-Punk) 9:00 PM doors $10 at the door Going to be great!


Wolf Lake Hike

Costco 1465 Kingsway, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

This hike follows after a special Save Wolf Lake Benefit concert which will be held October 17. (If anyone has a link to more information on the concert, please forward to us so we can post it here). The walk will be approximately 2.5 km long, and will bring us slowly through old growth red and white pines. The terrain on the ridge will be rough in places. We will pause for lunch on the ridge overlooking Wolf Lake. We expect to arrive back in Sudbury by 4 pm. We will carpool from the Costco Parking lot. Participants should bring their own lunch and snacks, and don't forget to fill up your water bottle and bring it along as well. Dress for the weather and for rough terrain: sturdy comfortable boots are a must, and you'll want layers to keep you warm in the beginning, and to shed as you warm up on the walk. This hike is a joint outing led by Rainbow Routes Association and the Sudbury Naturalists. We'll have some excellent leaders joining us: Peter Beckett, Will Kershaw, Gerard Courtin, and Franco Mariotti. Their knowledge is extensive, which means we are all in for a rare treat!

Fall Harvest 2019

Wagonwheel Ranch 2200 Kenneth Drive, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Family Fun on the Farm each wknd in October Horse Drawn Wagon Rides with Bonfire stop in woods, Petting Farm, Pony Rides, Pumpkins!

The Northern Frights Festival ~ Five Years of Fear

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

International Horror Film Festival...we bring the world's best short horror films to Sudbury, and this year we're celebrating our FIFTH year! You don't want to miss this one!

Nightmare on Elm Street Part V

For more information call 705-673-1364 Join us for the #2019NightmareonElmSt #hauntedhouse #community #scareifyoudare Located at 204 Elm St. October 19th Open from 5:00 pm - 10:00pm (Closing for 30 mins at 7:30pm) $10 V.I.P. Ticket (Avoid long line up, Limited tickets available) $6 for Regular Tickets can be purchased in advance from host sites or at the door NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12 Raising funds for the United Way Centraide North East Ontario! In partnership with Learning Disabilities Association of Sudbury, Sudbury Action Centre for Youth and Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre

Paris Pick/Lion House/This Great Divide at Townehouse Tavern!

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

3 Bands, 1 Notorious venue. Paris Pick (on tour from Whitehorse Yukon featuring Zacharie Pelland from Sudbury, ON) Lion House This Great Divide SATURDAY OCTOBER 19th DOORS 9PM MUSIC 10PM 7$ Cover


Superheroes for Little Heroes 2019

Health Sciences North Sudbury 41 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Presented by Yallowega Belanger Salach Architecture, our superheroes are back to save the day… Join us on Sunday, October 20th as the Greater Sudbury Police Service Tactical Unit officers rappel down Health Sciences North / Horizon Santé-Nord to complete their mission. Dressed as superheroes, the officers will make their way down the building to then greet the little heroes in attendance. Join us for their exciting mission in support of our NEO Kids. Wear your favorite superhero or Halloween costume! Family-friendly activities to follow. Help our superheroes greet our little heroes by purchasing a piece of rope to help them make it to the bottom! The rope can be purchased by visiting or calling the NEO Kids Foundation office at 705-523-7100 x1234. You will be able to pick up your piece of rope at the event! Proudly sponsored by Yallowega Belanger Salach Architecture, Greater Sudbury Police Service, Faiella Financial Group and Sunwire Inc. Please note: Viewing space is limited. Due to the nature of this event and unforeseen circumstances with the Greater Sudbury Police Tactical Unit, this event may be cancelled on short notice. Parking is available for spectators at Health Sciences North for a fee. Please visit for parking details.