LPS Esthetics One Year Anniversary
Le Petit Spa Esthetics 2140 Regent Street Unit 12, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaYou're invited! Yes YOU!?? Join us on Tuesday, September 26th frpm 6pm-8pm to celebrate LPS Esthetics One Year Anniversary.? Come sit in on a live facial demonstration using Eminence Organic products then browse some amazing local bussinesses that will be showcasing the following products and services: handmade kimonos cold pressed juices vegan beauty & wellness products unique clothing handmade jewelry fitness and wellness education Plus don't forget to try some delicious baked goodies from Beards Bakery. This is a night you won't want to miss!✨ *ADULT EVENT ONLY* *NO FEE TO GET IN* However, click the link to register and save your spot for the facial demonstration. Limited seating. Vendors: Madame Babu, Juice Me Healthy, Wolf & Pine Soap Co, Ancient Code Apparel, Stitch & Stone, Olive & Annie and Zen Fitness