The Tom Petty Night
Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, CanadaWhen we lost Tom Petty last month it took us by surprise. He seemed ageless... the lanky young blonde singing power pop tunes and making classic videos with Alice in Wonderland themes... he was the young kid invited into the Traveling Wilbury's to give them a little grit. He spent 41 years in the public eye writing a solid body of workday rock and roll songs. He was the everyman songwriter with a catchy riff and a great sandy, nasally voice. Don Kunto and his regular crew and a few long time musical friends gather this evening to sing songs for Tom Petty… Whether you’re on the Last Dance for Mary Jane, Dancing at the Zombie Zoo or you’re a Refugee… The Waiting is the Hardest Part. Come celebrate this iconic songwriter with us.